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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Cheltenham ape man! How very dare you! What's the matter with glawster or Stroud? Not a single drawn on eye brow in site just big busy mono brow fuckers that don't quite cover the supraorbital ridge. And that's just the birds...
  2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I826gxc8TvI#
  3. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gKBwI7M-Aho
  4. 3 more willing converts off to Syria- obviously living in one of the most prosperous country's in the world with free health care, education and wifi is too much for them. Have fun cooking, cleaning, being beaten and raped by ISIS the same nice people who bury women and children alive. I really don't understand why, some cunt please explain
  5. Stubby Pecker


    There aren't enough buckets of sick in the world...
  6. Just as long as its not construed as poofery.....
  7. Del is a funny old cunt mostly I've got no issues with him. His slagging off of useless cunts here is a CC staple. Please feel free to rip the piss out my posts as long as its funny-it's easy to tell when being called a cunt is for real, I actually find it amusing. On that note, Gongers old boy, you are a massive cunt!
  8. Del is an utter cunt, even by his own admission. Most of what he says is total bollocks with a definite BNP edge-but it is cunt nominating and that's good enough for me. I read it but don't necessarily care for all it, some it is funny though and makes me laugh, the reason why most of us are here. Frank, however, is a nasty, unfunny shit turd of a cunt who's only reason to be here is to wind people up, troll and generally be the afforemention nasty, unfunny shit turd cunt. I can tell Del Boy to get fucked if it helps?
  9. That's easily the best thing you've said for ages Del Boy, keep up the good work you grumpy old cunt!
  10. If I'm not mistaken, Mr Ibrahimovic is of Bosnian extraction (or some other such Balkan shite hole) and has become a Swede. He's very good at football but not prone to modesty, and he's a cunt. He's in the same vein as South African cricketer Kevin pieterson - very good at sport, total cunt. The Aussies nicknamed "KP" fig jam: Fuck I'm good, just ask me. Being good at sport makes you incredibly wealthy. If only it was the same for being a spectacular farter like myself....
  11. Good call Dbomber I want to be left in the woods so scientists can study my decomposition and all the organisms that eat my remains
  12. Try posting something intelligent, funny or thought provoking then instead of the boring "kill yourself" bullshit. You've even got shit at this. At least the other cunts have something to say, none of us here claim to be comic geniuses or the next Noam Chomsky but at least we're trying to communicate. It seems you're incapable of that. Pull your finger out of your arse or fuck off for good.
  13. You're a fucking evil twat frank, stop being such a cunt and get back to banging one out to your crossroads box set.
  14. True- no airforce, cruise missiles etc but they are willing to die and there's no electorate to upset when the body bags come home. No way are the yanks going in on the ground, it's not a straight fight, just IEDs and land mines. It needs Ivan or the chinks to lay waste to them and fuck the Geneva convention. I see in some news clips, ISIS fighters with US made M16 rifles.....
  15. These cunts are at it again-21 Egyptians sliced and diced for not being blood thirsty, brainwashed hate filled cunts like them. What it needs is the regional nations to sort these evil bastards out, nations who don't give a fuck about the rules of war, just napalm the shit out of them!
  16. Fuck me, what a rant. Had to read it quickly as I wouldn't have got to the end due to the poor punctuation. One would hope that these lazy cunts would become sterile through all the red bull, special brew and junk food they consume thanks to the free handouts? Come on government, start a top secret genetic drugs in fast food program to kill these cunts- and put it in artichoke's too!
  17. New government proposal if these weak cunts refuse help. Take fucking responsibility for your actions, it's not your right to expect everyone else to pay for your lazy, wasted lives.
  18. Fuck me sideways, has there ever been a bigger bunch of cuntbreeds shat into existence? As the bride cries her eyes out when she sees the grooms blown all the money, it's obvious they are both thick as shit and she deserves to be hitched to the useless cunt.
  19. The only solution is to allow the Russian bits of Ukraine to have self autonomy, become separate countries or be absorbed into Russia. Either way, some people will be pissed off but better that than proper Russian troops fighting Ukraine, NATO ones= world war 3. No one gives a shit about Crimea since Ivan annexed that. Putin seems quite popular so he can do what he wants, especially as he controls what johnnie Ivan see's, reads and thinks.
  20. Fuck me look who's back. And so it starts again. Yawn. Look at the site rules about bickering and cunting each other. Spotto will get pissy again and cunts will get banned again. Stay on topic
  21. Even your hard as fuck career crims inside hate fucking nonces like him. He'll get what he deserves.
  22. True, he's a popular bastard with all his naked horse riding with his moobs out and saving Siberian tigers single handed. But if you control the media and most of your subjects are border line alchys with pot bellies and eyes to close together, it's not hard to impress. Back in the day maggie stuck two fingers up at most world leaders even gave Reagan a bollocking. Vlads doing the same and doesn't give a shit how many die, look a Chechnya.
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