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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. I've got no problems with the pasty ginger fuckers north of the Antonine but in their fancy parliament that looks like it was designed by a blind chimp, all they do is blame Westminster. The SNP are back stabbing cunts who'd stoop to the lowest levels to get their own way-another independence vote and total power but with plan full of holes. Formerly referred to as the tartan Tories
  2. Wolf fleece couples in their 60s, every car boot sale must have one
  3. I'm sure this demented hag has a nom but she deserves another. Turned on the radio this morning and it was Tory this Tory that. Fuck me you've had your own cunting parliament for how long? Accept responsibility for your own misguided policies. What next, have a go at Edward the 1st for the battle of Falkirk? Try kicking out all the Russian, Arab and English absentee landowners that own half of Scotland so they can shoot grouse, deer and catch salmon, pardon the pun. If they did that, I'd back independence and they could become a third word country north of Yorkshire. Come to think of it lets get rid of them too.
  4. There are 2 kinds of people in this world my friend, those who go on cunts corner and those who indulge in nefarious 19th hole bumming before driving, pissed, to confess their sins to the Virgin Mary sky fairy
  5. Fuck me, you should get together with my father in law and we could send you out to ISIS and bore the cunts to death
  6. All it'll take is one person to come forward and claim he kiddie fiddled them or at the very least knew it was going on, and he'll be fucked. Most of these cunts only got into religion so they could get on with their sicko ways no questions asked. Let face it you've got to be thick as fuck to actually believe the sky fair bollocks so there's only one reason to become a priest. I'm sure this is true of all religions. Another nail in the coffin for the biggest lie that's ever been told.
  7. Any volunteers to fill gypos pudding with gravy to cheer her up?
  8. Be fair to him deciman, it's essentially the only way to renew his membership post 19th hole usuals. Can you get done for spunk drunk driving?
  9. Snowflake is a yank term to describe losers who winge when the winner gives them the big fuck off, specifically Hillary Clinton supporters now trumpy gets his chance to fuck over the world to line his pockets. It's now been adopted by cuntbreeds here using it on EU remainers and anyone else who disagrees with them. This is laziness- if you want to have a go at the leftie carpet munching brigade led by the likes of Abbott the Hutt, think of something original and not descend into yank poofery. Anyone who does use it should be forced to drink bleach at gun point whilst having acid squirted into their japseye then be finished off with a sledgehammer (claw hammer for poofs)
  10. Cringingly once referred to a black audience as brothers and sisters followed by laughs and boos. I thought she was dead anyway from a dose of bad AIDS after mistakenly being bummed by Peter mandelson
  11. Stubby Pecker

    Lily Allen

    Once saw her pissing on the pavement outside a pub in Stroud, a magnet for cunts. Probably why she moved there
  12. He had a beautiful Scottish nature reserve destroyed for one of his wretched golf courses. Makes him a cunt in my book. Worrying that he strikes such a cord with so my yanks. I hear the goose steps getting closer...
  13. A "soapy tit wank" from Jenny bond! Christ on a bike, what a horrible thought to go to bed on! You need help wozza...
  14. Yes, I think del is correct, straw is a Red Sea pedestrian Rifkind, however, I think not, just a cunt. They must have enough wealth to keep them and their family comfy for the rest of their lives but they still want more! All politicians should live on the average, no fuck it, LOWEST wage of their constituents for their time in power, then we might get some decent cunts who give a shit rather than lining their pockets as fast as they can until they get found out/voted out/get caught buggering small boys
  15. Welcome to CC yari, may a greet you buy suggesting you're a massive cunt and a northern one at that. Yorkies had their own nom a while back thanks to Walter spunkape. I wasn't particularly generous to the white rose county and I ascribe any cuntish behaviour I exhibit to my 50% Yorkshire genes, by heck
  16. Good evening Walter, I'm sure he does have a degree but then so do I but I'm not a poof. You, however, are a cunt and a bullshitter. And a cunt.
  17. Community reputation, what the fuck is that about? Surely we need a cunt-o-meter as to how much of a total bell end other members think you are
  18. The epitome of cuntishness, the tit even turned up on classic fm to spoil my Sunday ambience. What puzzles me is that the mincer is married with kids! Did he get the mrs to put on a false bread before he bummed her? But the thing that really shits me is the cunt lives in my glorious county, in fact I could make a long list of fucking celebrity shite bags who've helped turn the shire into a London satellite. Come the revolution when I'm crowned malevolent overlord of the west, these gobshites will feel the wrath of my flame thrower...or mince them up and chuck em in the Severn to boost its ecology
  19. You crawly bum lick ratus, I hope that was a piss take? Otherwise-what the fuck is this shit! Do you realise this might send some of our older more Luddite members into melt down, on the other hand it might fuck off fwank and spunkape for good...
  20. Apparently the 3 girls were straight A model students. ISIS propaganda preys on the weak minded and most teenagers are pretty dopey- I know I was. I'm sure MI5 are tracking them along with their Turkish equivalents, if they've got their mobile phones on we could bring down a few satellite guided cruse missiles on them and their new mates. Either way, they ain't coming back. Surely by now ISIS is fucked from all the air strikes?
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