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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    Mingeeta strikes with an accurate assessment. Welcome to the corner you massive cunt
  2. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    You are complete spacko if you really believe this. I'd like to see some evidence of these claims that he's happily allow 1.4 billion Chinese to use our health service, presumably not all at the same time.
  3. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    If I send you the wedding invite samples can you have a look and let me know which ones you like best?
  4. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    Please tell me why you think trying to 'do good' as you say, is a bad thing? You seriously need to up your game, it painful
  5. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    Be gone with your devil speak and multi quoting ways you heathen Nick Clegg lover
  6. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    Looking back I'm amazed at the lack of 'kill yourself' and death threats. The corner is harsher place these days
  7. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    Baws, you're a devious motherfucker.
  8. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    I haven't heard them once say they accept the electorates view. True, many of the reasons the leave camp put up we're utter lies but the remainers couldn't be bothered to point these out because they thought it was in the bag. Unless the lib dems have a big rethink they're fucked
  9. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    With the political landscape the way it is there could well be a back lash so the lib dems might fill the void left by labour when they implode. All they've got to do is talk common sense and they'll surely be more popular than that blithering idiot Corbyn. That common sense will have to mean a severe compromise on their stance on Europe and immigration. This is where labour lost the election by not listening outside their career politician bubble.
  10. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    Wolf man, we're dealing with the thickest of thick here. Bleach and claw hammer treatment is the only option.
  11. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    So basically you don't like him because he's ugly. Great nom you fucking non entity.
  12. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    Ok, thanks for that. Still haven't told me what's fundamentally wrong with Farron though? I don't expect a compelling answer and an insight into your political stand point due to the fact that you're a knuckle dragging retard who's opinion is founded on the pathetic circumstances of your life.
  13. Stubby Pecker

    Tim Farron

    Another piece of shite from your ovine winnit encrusted mouth. So he's a cunt why? Because you don't like him and he's fuck ugly? Disagree with his policy on the child benefit system? No cunt likes you and your fuck ugly and welsh. I'd tell you to up your game but that would be beyond your mental capacity. Please fuck off now.
  14. Fuck, I'm a proper cricket anorak but didn't know that. I knew he topped himself so go riddance. Probably why Ian Botham, himself a total cunt, hated is guts.
  15. Stubby Pecker


    I'd go one further and suggest this be rolled out across the principality. Our resident taffs have probably produced little Ivor's and Gwen's already. A simple iq test disguised in the 11 plus could also select those to be neutered before they get a chance to spawn cunt kids called Beyoncé and pittbull
  16. Stubby Pecker


    I don't think the bullshitting cunt would ever goes trans. He would get banned for the imaginary golf course he frequents. Anyway I'm sure he wants to remain all man- gay man.
  17. Stubby Pecker


    Not much use for most of the punters here as it's impossible to impregnate other men. Wont this just create a massive build up of jizz, which when a goes, will be akin to one of punkers shits after a mammoth bumming session?
  18. Former head of a Christian charity, John Smyth QC has been outed as an evil cunt who sickeningly beat young boys in his care. One of his alleged victims is the current Bishop of Guilford. He allegedly groomed boys at summer camps where the current AB of C also worked. I might add that it's not been suggested that anything went on at these camps. Apparently he took them to his house, made them strip then beat the shit out of them with a cane whilst reciting the bible. No bumming took place apparently which is a shocking revelation in itself when god botherers are involved. The cunt now lives in South Africa and I truly hope they bang him up there and he's constantly bummed by AIDS riddled cell mates of the foot long Zulu black snake variety. The proper bad AIDS and all. Death is too good for this cunt.
  19. Would be pointless Capt. He's obviously 18, in years, stone and IQ
  20. I'd take brony over this mental midget any day. At least the dribbling gut bucket came out with the occasional funny comment and for all we know had the common decency to kill himself.
  21. No but I have witnessed her pissing on a pavement outside pub in Stroud, a place now infested with air head fuckwits like her
  22. I've got tickets for the lords test in September. Marlon Samuels is cunt that's for sure
  23. My basic understanding of politics and religion combined with the intelligence not to tar every cunt with the same brush has really got you rattled hasn't it? Given the chance to gas all the darkies and camel jockeys whom you blame for your pathetic wasted life, I'm sure you'd push the button without thinking. Firstly, kindly let me know where this 'pew' research came from? The files of Mosad, a personal mind dump from Nick Griffin? Islamic fundamentalism is a desease that needs stamping out with extreme prejudice. I happily put these brainwashed fuckwits against a wall and pull the trigger personally, but it's not as simple as that. Try reading a book on the subject because I can't be bothered to explain the complexities to you. Not that you'd be able to take it on board mind.
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