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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Typical tool used by northerners to beat their children into speaking the gibberish backward accents that mark them out as being cunts
  2. I assume this is for impressing your leather clad, moustachioed biker mates before they take turns to violently fuck the living arse off you?
  3. Mmm, I especially liked that one, let's see what's next....
  4. There is no chin underneath Wolfies beard, only another fist
  5. With the obvious exception of welsh_cunt, you are without doubt the thickest gobshite here. Why would Syrians trying to escape a despotic leader with a brutal secret police which tortures children as young as 4 want to flee to Saudi? Why when fleeing ISIS would they not go south to their arab brothers? Because it's one of the most repressive nations on earth. They want freedom not more of the same. The Wahhabism that is used by ISIS as their guiding principles originated there so, again they might be a little fearful of being whipped by the religion police for having the wrong hair cut. Plus the Saudis don't want them. We unfortunately expect other countries to have similar morals as ourselves but the value for freedom and even human life is an alien concept to those in power. The Saudis could afford to solve this crisis 10 times over as it's one of the richest nations on earth. They've just spent $23 BILLION dollars on an under ground train network in the capital for fucks sake. Contrary to your moronic opinion formed from reading The Sun whilst scoffing your 3rd Greggs of the morning, the vast majority of folks in the UK, me included, don't want to accept 1000s of refugees or economic migrants, that's one of the lies that won Brexit. I agree, the country is vastly over populated and a long term strategy to address this should be put in place, but the burden of accepting orphaned children pails into insignificance to the billions of pounds payed out to our own proud British patriots who think it's their right to take handouts from the government and contribute nothing to society like, say working or not spawning more of their cunt kids. These are the same scum that proudly fly their St. George's flag whenever our cunt football team (half of whom are 3rd generation migrants or mixed race) is being beaten by Iceland. The chickens will come home to roost in Germany through taking so many Syrians to alleviate their deep guilt over the holocaust. I'd be amazed if they can integrate them into society before ghettoisation and mistrust develop. The human wave from Syria should be settled in neighbouring areas with similar cultures and morals agreed, and most have in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey. They certainly don't 'wonder into the U.K. at will' not unless they can walk on water. They either enter legally or illegally. So carry on standing up for your nationalistic beliefs on a forum called cunts corner which exists as at least 50% of it's content telling anonymous cunts to drink bleach, feed yourself through a wood chipper, claw hammer yourself to death and fuck off. Now fuck off you toadie little cunt and read some books about how the world works. Whilst you're at have a pint of bleach, fire up the wood chipper etc etc
  6. Said daft cunt could have saved themselves a packet; Welsh_cunt could have sent them a selfie for a fiver
  7. No thicko, my stance on immigration is clear as is my compassion to fellow humans. I just like winding you up because you're a brainless thug with nothing constructive to offer.
  8. 'Increases water run off and drowning on river plains' Your knowledge of the hydrological cycle withstanding, I think you'll find it's all the foreigners that cause the flooding and every other problem in our once great nation.
  9. First and last warning..... It's not awful-it's gentle, 3 old cunts still able to be cheeky before they snuff it, probably the only reason they're still alive. I hope I don't turn into an old misery guts and I'm still trying to fuck some GILF, slightly better than Nora Batty mind. However, we have digressed somewhat. Where were we, the gassing of Northern dole bludging, work shy, scummy stereotypes I believe? sorry, rambling, pissed
  10. Don't knock last of the summer ok, it's fucking quality.
  11. No doubt shooting a protected bird of prey because it dared to fly within 5 miles of a grouse, just like the ginger prince did
  12. I had the misfortune if visiting Rotherham a while back, home to some of my lucky ancestors. Lucky because they managed to escape the shit hole. Fuck the moors too- sheep ravaged waste lands devoid of wildlife, sucking the tax payers money
  13. I assume that was a basic attempt at sarcasm and irony? I really struggle to digest this post as it doesn't contain several quotes interspersed your northern mouthed proclamations swiftly moving on to the next paragraph that gets you frothing at the bum hole. I'm sure you'll be at it tonight after you've seen to your pigeons and whippets.
  14. Nice one quince, a double post of the same cunting, doubling your chance to getting ding square in the eye with your scatt hurl
  15. I was forced to watch this shite with the missus the other night. I think she found it thought provoking, for me it just envoked visions of genocide for Northern scum bags, sterilisation at the very least.
  16. I played a season of cricket in country Victoria back in the early 2000s and all I got was 'you pommy cunt this' and 'you pommy cunt that'. 35 degrees, no showers, concrete wicket and no tea. Savages the lot. Fucking loved it!
  17. Form is temporary, class is permanent. I vote we send Quince on the next Ashes tour as community liaison officer.
  18. We all know one these oxygen bandits telling every cunt him and the missus are off to aus/nz/canada to get paid a fortune to be a Plummer or a colonic irrigation technician or some other pretend job that all the other idiots have been convinced will make there shitty life's worthwhile. Hopefully they have the wrong paper work, because everyone knows how they deal with illegals in Australia- keep them in someone else's country, in their case Papua New Guinea in essentially concentration camps in the mozzie infested jungle. We do the same with our illegals- keep them in France but no jungle
  19. Killing 2 birds with one stone the multi quoting northernist could just watch a Fred Dibnah coal mining special. Isn't he on the pound notes up there?
  20. Stubby Pecker


    Probably sitting around in my pants eatting monster munch, cunting you and watching the decs & ding show roll on. Go fuck yourself, again.
  21. The best thing here is the cunting of each other during the course of some, at times, intelligent debate. We all have our own opinions about a variety of subjects and when a punter expresses an opposing view it's our right to disagree whether that be a reasoned debate like the grown ups here (roops, rick) or a childish, piss taking way with plenty of death threats (everyone else). When knuckle dragging fuckwits start banging on about racist crap they needs to be argued against and asked to fuck off and die (I assume that the vile "slap that jiggaboo" character was fucked off for good by the mods along the lines of blatant and provocative racism?). In the real world you can't get away with either, that's why this place is liberating and refreshing. Insinuating gayness, inbreeding, sheep shagging etc on each other is what we all did at school and the first thing I do to most of my male friends (steady on) when I see them, gay bashing, however is not really on, save for punkape as he's bought it on himself. Fuck off 'eavens you massive cunt, I hope your ring piece collapses after the self inflicted uppercunting you carry out and bleed to death screaming. Put it on YouTube.
  22. Now, now boys play nicely. Either up your respective games in the cunting each other stakes or just accept you need to move your relationship to the next level. Please let us know who's the postman and postbox or whether you take turns.
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