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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Great work Noakesy, a classic from the faults, but we all know there's a lot more where that came from, ehh 'eavens?
  2. To the tune of Yellow Submarine: In the town Punkape was born Lives gay sailors who cruise the scene And he spends his life with them In his land of gay marines So he takes it up the bum Till he's smothered in seamen cream And he waves his rainbow flag With his group of Tranny-Queens (all together now) Punkape lives with a group of tranny-queens And their barrels of Vaseline, and their tubs of margarine Punkape lives with a a troop of gay marines They go cruising on the scene, with their jars of Vaseline copyright 'eavens
  3. Everyone's got to have a hobby old bean
  4. In that case you're a maggot invested sack of shit who's idea of a good time is shagging badger road kill whilst some 10 quid a time rent boy (of non determinate ethnicity) spaffs over your arse cheeks.
  5. Agreed. I'm also pretty sure you're the greatest to wield a felching stool with combined anal dildo
  6. Hi quince, sorted any coke today? Told you're family that you love them?
  7. No, just learn to salute properly, as taught to the nods at CTCRM, and we'll call it quits pongo
  8. For a hard earned thirst, SC drinks pommy weasel piss-feed yourself to the crocs immediately! I once pulled piss for the feral natives in a pub in Mt. Beauty
  9. Fucking slabs and stubbys you uneducated gobshite. Our resident skippy is a bundy man I reckon
  10. Have you been smoking crack you dopey cunt or are you totally cum drunk from all you 'research' into words that rhyme with felch or tranny? Blair went full blown cunt a long time ago. Every top politician will eventually get a knighthood or peerage or gong of some kind, but not this crawly bum lick. You could argue that new labours lax attitude to immigration and border control gave rise to ukip and the undercurrent of resentment in the working class that they've been overlooked in favour of jonny foreigner. After all, these are the cunts who voted him in a second time by being bribed by even greater benefit handouts
  11. You're on thin fucking ice you devious cunt, your enemies are becoming legion
  12. I'm leaving it to mingeeta to deliver the coup de grace, he's going to be so, so angry when he sees the unkind words from the Cymru cock choker
  13. I think the shite has now spread throughout your entire body and is now leaking from you finger tips and on to the keyboard. I advise you kill yourself immediately.
  14. Manky, consider yourself well and truly cunted. Bent over the church wall, trousers round yer ankles, ring piece in tatters.
  15. This nom is wasted on these cunts bubba. Don't believe the bollocks about quaffing the right wine when they dine out when it's really a pint of piss weak carling at the hungry horse, or more likely B&Q paint stripper while they scavenge in the bins behind asda.
  16. I feel greatly aggrieved to have tarred you with the wrong brush Mank. I may well disagree with virtually all that spews from you spunk encrusted lips, but here, as a fellow push bike rider you're spot on. All motorists who even dare to overtake a cyclist must legally be obliged to pay them a fiver for the privilege and offer to suck them off. It's an unknown fact that in the FoD where I commute, all trade vans and most cars are fitted with a radar system allowing their highly inbred drivers to overtake me on a blind corner on the brow of a hill whilst rolling a fag and posting gay sex videos to their cunt bricky mates on their phones.
  17. Have faith brother, remember the Aussies are very, very shit. Take Warner, Smith and Strac out and there not much else. We however, have some quality fast bowlers, looks like we finally found a top 3. I'd move Bairstow up to 6 and play Buttler as keeper-he's far to good a player to leave out, look at what de kock does for the saffas and Mcullum did. Moeen needs to grow a pair though if he's batting at 5. How about this: Cook, Hameed, Jennings, Root, Bairstow, Stokes, Buttler, Moeen, Woakes, Broad, Anderson
  18. Fuck off you thin skinned, humourless cretin. The level of contempt you generate is unparalleled. To assume I'm calling you a nonce over a joke about regional stereotypes along the lines of the Monty Python sketch where a bunch of northerners try to out do each other regarding the hard upbringing they received, just showcases the fact that you bring nothing of any merit whatsoever to this forum. All anyone ever witnesses is more boring multi quotes of a rambling idiot, disagreeing with any throw away comment that has you frothing at the arse. The only minuscule reason for your continuing presence is laughing at the daily beatings you take, further highlighting your total ineptness and failure to grasp that this forum is supposed to be fun. Now piss off back to your racing pigeons.
  19. Of course not you twat, it's a fucking joke. And I'm from the west not the south. piss off
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