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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Granted, the pontipines are a right load of cunts with their farting ways and all.
  2. I can generate more likes than you? And your not interested in a popularity contest? Do I really need to point out the preposterousness of these comments. Nobody here gives a fuck about likes, if something makes me laugh I give it like, I'm usually out of em within 10 mins here. Go back to your multi quoting, at least I know not to read them as they're mostly the same moaning tripe.
  3. I personally wouldn't stoop so low as to have a go at the disabled, lest someone takes real offence and a spell in the cooler beckons. If you were to remove certain elements of your comment along the following lines it would become wholly acceptable; Quincy, I did not think it possible to actually fist ones own arse hole but by the rabid spewing coming from your mouth, this is the obvious conclusion I've had the draw. Your internal organs have been pushed up so far they seem to have effected you as to where the draw the line when it comes to what's acceptable or not. When you withdraw you blood and shit smeared forearm, or whatever you use, you may well find grey matter attached. The only cure is the cum of 15 brutish Nigerian dock workers shot into your throat in quick succession, which makes me certain you'll pull through. Fuck off lol
  4. Don't fucking knock Iggle Piggle you heartless cunt
  5. The return of punkape has spared ding further slaying, plus I think the pennies dropped about multi quoting and no one actually reading it. I actually agree with his latest nom, although he made his opening points quite poorly.
  6. I've got money on you too so don't fucking let me down you bog dwelling sheepist
  7. It's on the telly so you wouldn't have seen it thanks to your gay porn DVDs
  8. Don't take this shit Minge, my fivers on you
  9. South Downs 'National Park'. What a fucking disgrace, not a single grizzly bear or wildebeest in sight, just sheep, crops and Sebastian's
  10. You beat me to this nom dinger. The yanks made a big mistake with this. Firstly making Guantanamo bay a very public place to store these cunts. What did they think, after a couple of years of being treated like shit they'd all confess to why they were in Afghanistan in the first place and promise to go home and not be cunts? After 'questioning' in some foreign shit hole they should dumped them in the sea and denied all knowledge, let's face it, most were there in secret and would be easy to assume they'd died in the fighting and bombing. As for fiddler, we're all glad he's dead and wasted his pathetic live for nothing. It wouldn't have cost 1 million quid for a 1 way RAF flight out of Diego Garcia over the shark invested Indian Ocean. I hope we learn from this and get shot of these fuckers before they can spread more the there hate and death cult ways. I also hope those responsible for deciding on his payout get the sack for being stupid, gullible cuntbreeds.
  11. I honestly believe it's you, well done, good luck with all that shagging
  12. I thought that was your avatar! Obviously you've found a picture of someone more effiminate, well done.
  13. Yes, I agree both Ape and Eddie look complete idiots with their back and forth 'mines better than yours' game, but it's not funny, just tedious repetition. Cunting through song is funny, to me at least, so in future I will restrict it to the correct thread. There's still plenty of mileage in it, especially with someone's prodigious out put, and of course everyone is fair game provided they have a sense of humour. As for being 'sweary and abusive' on a forum called cunts corner, perhaps you should apply this edict to 50% of the posts here? Or would you prefer if we were all polite to one another and discussed our differences of opinion as they do on mumsnet?
  14. Would those be the spunk encrusted Orlando Bloom and Freddy Mercury posters you've got on your bedroom wall?
  15. Shut up you snivelling little cunt and run to the mods. Take you medicine like a man-straight up the shitter in your case.
  16. Utter bullshit. Show some consistency. How different is this to Ape vs Eddie trying to out do each other with their pretend watches and cars? At least this is funny. This is about cunting and punky deserves everything he gets the snide Walter Mitty little cunt. Fuck off.
  17. God save the queen: Punkape's a tired old queen He stole Frank's Vaseline And put sand in it. Now his cocks red and raw Franks arse is really sore Now they have to go to A&E Punkapes's still a queen
  18. Thank to Noakes, one of my favorites My old mans a dust man: Punkape had a party and all the poofs were there A lot of bodily fluids freely they did share They didn't use protection nor take it seriously Now they all have STI's with AIDS and HIV
  19. All that arse rapping you underwent did the trick for you then
  20. Don't take that shit Quincey! He's fucking thrashing you!
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