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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Spunk flavoured shakes only for our quince, a never ending supply in ze cooler
  2. That's the first thing on the corner that's made me laugh in a while
  3. Great work fellas, top class. As for the kiddie fiddlers, shall we start again?
  4. I'd like to drop you pair of cunts. From a chinook into the sea.
  5. Sorry to drag this back on topic away from the important issues of record book wanking sessions and the inevitable, but necessary, slagging of ding, but pancake day is not a cunt. Agreed, the ready made mixtures are and the northern peasants who are too lazy to use the milk, eggs and flour every household always had in stock. My kids have just pissed themselves watching their inept dad flipping and breaking every cunting one. They were bloody nice though with black current jam. Fuck off bubba you 'wrong side of offas dyke' dwelling cunt.
  6. John Major was and is a gentleman and a statesman, he rarely puts is 2 penith in and in this case he's got a right to speak for the 48% of those who didn't vote to leave the EU. The 52% that did will soon by a minority due to the fact that many will soon be dead of old age. Brexit will happen so that's that, our leaders will just have to make the best of it-good fucking luck. Blair on the other hand should keep his mouth shut. The whole cuntry knows he's a cunt for many reasons. He'll never get a knighthood or title like all other PMs or big wigs, fuck me even Gordon Brown will be a sir one day. I would however, endorse the public flogging and fisting of Michael Gove the odious, toadie, rubber lipped cunt.
  7. Only pulling your leg you soppy cunt, go on give us another one, has WC not yet been immortalised?
  8. Some of those god awful songs made me want to beat you with a stick. A cricket bat shaped one
  9. No one cares for the welsh, Anglos, scotch and bog trotters are the only ones who know the place exists. Ask a yank or a chink where wales is and the likelihood is they would have never heard if it let alone find it on the map
  10. I'm sorry to break it to you but he's not really a darts player it's just his avatar so using this as a stick to beat him with shows your amateur ways.
  11. This is quite possibly the gayest thing of all time.
  12. Decs old boy, in the short space of time our sheepist friend has been with us surely you've seen that 'upping ones game' is beyond him? I did suggest this early doors but to no avail. The only conclusions I can draw is that he's either in his teens and not yet acquired the wit or vocabulary or the welsh condition really is that bad.
  13. We're all waiting wolfie baby, might take some time
  14. Now I don't know what stopped Jesus Christ From turning every hungry stone into bread And I don't remember hearing how Moses reacted When the innocent first born sons lay dead Well I guess God was a lot more demonstrative Back when he Flamboyantly parted the sea Now everybody's praying Don't prey on me Brett Gurewitz 1993
  15. Not much you say makes sense, I shall pray for your soul.
  16. "We're in a play of slow decay orchestrated by Boltzmann" Greg Graffin 1990
  17. Unfortunately wolf, if we all embraced atheism like I wish we would an accepted our place in nature as a bunch of cunts who are causing a planet destroying extinction, we'd just find some other reason to hate and butcher each other. Fortunately evolution is a constant process and it'll all just start again when humans disappear. Or I'll look down from heaven, or more likely up from hell, and realise how wrong I was
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