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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Yes, but that was the 40s film made later, so nobody to offend, nobody to take offence. Today of course it's totally different and that word should not be used in a real sense in everyday situations. Literature, films, historical things yes, but in context. Any one who uses in as abuse is a total cunt. All present gangsta rap types are cunts.
  2. Actually, guy gibbsons dog was called nigger, my gramp also had a dog called the same. But that was over 60 years ago and there was nobody to offend, the world was very, very different. It's all about the context these words are used in. Anyone today using this word to describe black people in an offencive, derogatory way is obviously a total cunt, that goes for non white people too. Used in a non offensive historical context is acceptable most of the time, and my favorite film is blazing saddles and listen to Desmond deker and bad brains.
  3. Stubby Pecker

    North Korea

    If the Chinese army marched over the boarder they'd probably be welcomed with open arms, if not what they going to do about it. Worlds biggest army vs brainwashed peasants with obsolete weapons who live on 2 meals of gruel a day? Only one winner. I think the world over estimates North Korea, they really are a buttfuck country
  4. Stubby Pecker

    North Korea

    Let's just say they did nuke South Korea. For a few days the world would twiddle its thumbs then issue an ultimatum-full surrender or annihilation, with the chinks and rushkies sitting on the fence as usuall the spineless fucks. Every US president would do this if they thought they faced nuclear attack. However, I think we need to take the North Koreans ability to launch such an attack with a pinch if salt. If they did have such weapons not just obsolete Cold War stuff disguised to look new, cruise missles will already be programmed and ready to destroy ever site within minutes along with EMP weapons and a fuck load if conventional bombs first, before a nuke strike is needed. I'm pretty sure the japs and all the other surrounding country's will be pretty keen to avoid all that radiation and death
  5. Stubby Pecker


    Read today food prices are increasing, except for crisps, bacon and cakes. Maybe the state is trying to kill off the lazy and stupid? There are far easier ways to do it; contraceptives in KFC, strychnine in red bull and vx nerve agents in crack and heroin
  6. Stubby Pecker

    North Korea

    The North Koreans defiantly wouldn't nuke the world or anywhere as it would almost certainly lead the the destruction of every living thing on the peninsula. The powers that be have it too good. The vast majority are essentially slaves doing their maters bidding, any dissent and you can fucking stand by. The state controls everything. They're told North Korea is the most prosperous nation on earth and all others are riddled with starvation and war. This is easy when the state controls all TV, news and media. The only reason this exists is because of China who I'm sure it's leaders are in awre of the control the Stalinist dictators exert. If faced with defeat, however, I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate on using nukes, chemical or bio weapons. On their own people.
  7. Stubby Pecker


    They should be rendered down and used in power stations or woodchipped into the North Sea-just think of the fish stocks in 12 months time after that feed. I love when they do an article on the news about fatties and just focus on huge wobbly guts, arses and man boobs not allowed to show their faces. Surely if this is self inflicted like smoking, alcoholism or being a weak cunt on drugs then all these fucks can start paying for their health care.
  8. All those millions don't make themselves...
  9. Actually I did this very method yesterday, it's only old concrete slabs round the veg plots so doesn't have to be brilliant. Fuck the pointing though, I filled the gaps with Flint gravel, stops the neighbours cats shitting I hope as was previously bark chippings. If not it's a combo of anti freeze and air rifle....
  10. Fuck me a guardian reading bricky- do you eye the editorial whilst on the mixer?
  11. It's DIY based. I'm sure dung and bubba will rock up soon and drag it into death threats and noncing
  12. Lime sand- never fucking heard of it-would sand and cement dry mix work the same? I thought Neil was the labourer/bricky/pasty eating, sun reading, van driving cunt, you as well it seems. I might start a new 'Ask Eric tedious DIY questions thread' on the open corner if so
  13. Out of likes old bean! Smash em up for hardcore or tip trip. Whilst I'm here, when laying patio slabs would you lay them on sharp sand/building sand mix or motor?
  14. Neil, I've got a couple of bags of cement about a year old that have gone rock ard, probably the damp but I've stored them on a pallet under a tarp so fuck knows how. Is there anyway to salvage them?
  15. Thanks to global warming it soon will be. Ask SC they've had some shocking droughts the last decade.
  16. No you may not. I you had a brain/ balls you'd be able to work it out
  17. No, it's much worse knowing you're still breathing and able to post this unforgivable shite
  18. How very dare you, I'm not a tantric wanker, one an hour is plenty for me, I haven't that many clients for starters
  19. Me tink ja be smokin da erb if it take long time come on maan and yes, you are
  20. Bellend, up you're game you're better than this by fucking miles or you gonna take a pasting
  21. Isn't there a seperate thread for spelling nazis? yes it was a typo and was referring to the place in wilts where the gov keep shit that'll kill millions with just a thimble full, shockingly underused and yes I would chow down on nat, after a good dose of the wire brush and dettol mind, then drink her piss etc etc
  22. Hopefully one side with get hold of some WMDs, SARS or anthrax would be nice, and carry out some population control for the good of planet earth
  23. Chris Evans, Ant & Dec and Robbie Williams vs a giant murderous wood chipper robot programmed by nazis. That'll make good sat night ITV viewing.
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