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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. It goes the other way, thanks to Snuff-great band!
  2. The U.K. still has lots of overseas territories. We could stick these cunts on South Georgia or British Antarctic territory.
  3. Agreed, the Wahhabis with the oil who we'll happily suck off in the blink of and eye started this backward, infidel hating shit. We also say fuck all when they're bombing civilians in Yemen where they've perfected the double tap bombing- one bomb to bring in onlookers, ambulances etc the another one to kill them all. Cunts. These terrorist acts are purely designed to further alienate british Muslims and have them demonised, creating yet more will suicide bombers to carry out ISIS evil bidding. However, when mrs May was speaking on the telly, I could imagine ISIS supporters frothing at the mouth over some of the "offensive" words she was using. There will be a backlash when further inevitable attacks happen.
  4. Planet earth will deal with us. When we're gone and have taken most other species with us, it'll all just start again, so no we won't destroy the planet even if we let off all the nukes at once, I was paraphrasing somewhat. What I should have said is we're melting the ice, washing the soil into the sea, that that's left we're filling with chemicals, chopping and burning forests that have been here for millennia and hold most of our biodiversity, polluting the seas with plastic and acid. All due to human over population thanks mainly to eradicating common diseases and clean drinking water and reliable food, for most. Or the volcano under Yellowstone will go off then we're all fucked. "And progress is not intelligently planned It's the facade of our heritage The odor of our land They speak of progress In red, white and blue It's the structure of the future As demise comes seething through It's progress 'til there's nothing left to gain As the dearth of new ideas Makes us wallow in our shame So before you go to contribute more To the destruction of this world you adore Remember life on earth is but a flash of dawn And we're all part of it as the day rolls on"
  5. I'm so glad I live in the middle of fucking no where and not in lun-don or Birmingham or some other shit hole surrounded with our dusky skinned cousins who nod to the east.
  6. I'm a committed environmentalist based on scientific fact and am certain humans are stupid cunts destroying the only place we can live through short sighted greed. However, these cunts don't represent me at all. They're wasting our time and an opportunity to actually do some good. Fuck off back to your lovely utopian dream world and leave the big boys to it.
  7. Unfortunately there's no easy solution to this. Idi Amin fucked off all the Asians from Uganda back in the day but it ain't happening here. Mass immigration from India and Pakistan. There are no Hindu or Sikh fundamental cunts running around. It's inevitable something even bigger will happen, killing mps, sports team, a royal maybe. When it does, Muslims should standby for a serious backlash. Human society is in flux. Soon religion will be a thing of the past but some are going out screaming.
  8. Firstly, I didn't get a word of that. Secondly, fuck off.
  9. NI should receive the highest level of devolution possible with a constant dialog with the Irish government in order to try and keep everyone happy and stop them hating and killing each other. This is the case now.
  10. Swiftly followed by the Gerry Adams memorial blow torch and claw hammer set, for those stubborn folks who won't grass on their children.
  11. Stubby Pecker

    Comic Cunts

    Neither, the Sudanese 8 stone goat herder who lives on 1 meal a day, his own piss and doesn't wear shoes would kill them both with a machete. Plus one is real and two are made up.
  12. I think we can draw a distinction between NI and S.Africa. The military were bought over the water to protect the catholic community from the Protestants. South Africa was a minority government oppressing a huge majority of indigenous, to a large degree, people with heavy handed brutality-this can't be said of NI where the split is roughly 50:50, there's no forced segregation and you're unlikely to get seven bells kicked out of you for walking on the wrong side of the street. Ie NI was a civilised country SA was akin to nazi occupied Europe. There has to be reconciliation in NI but of course if your kids were murdered in cold blood for essentially no reason that ain't going to happen. The IRA behaved despicably and were never going to win but chose to continue their cowardly, amateurish ways long after they became even 1% justified. A big boys club of brutal selfish cunts.
  13. Stubby Pecker

    Comic Cunts

    I can see how tempting it would be to interject and politely tell them what crap they're talking and that there's so much more to life than kids stuff, but of course in real life we're not cunts and this is not the done thing to make obvious judgements. One obvious judgement I'd make is the fuckwits in question had shit beards, skinny jeans, saggy moobs and no girlfriend. How pathetic and listless the modern human has become. Survival of the fittest no longer applies to our species, in fact it's the opposite. When the apocalypse comes it'll be the tough as fuck Sudanese goat herder who lives on one meal a day and has to drink his own piss to survive who'll rule the world.
  14. What the fuck? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-39344909 are these people sick? What next, candle lit vigils for rose west, Ian Brady and Myra hindley when they snuff it? Come on mrs may, nuke or VX gas them when they're all in the same place
  15. Exspacktor fan in a fume cabinet?
  16. There's something for you cunts over at the music exchange II
  17. Gerry Adams brother is a convicted paedo, jailed for raping his own fucking daughter. All the IRA cunts knew this shit was going on and probably worse, let's face it, when catholic priests are involved kiddie fiddling is compulsory. Of course you can get away with this if you can have anyone killed by making a simple phone call. I'm sick of the crying and telling tales out of school about how nasty the SAS/SBS and other mad cunts where over there in dealing with these evil bastards-if you act like viscous cowardly fuckers then you've got to accept there are equally evil cunts out to kill you. It's just a shame the gloves didn't fully come off. Some off the bods I met at Lympstone did undercover work over the water. Balls of steel, one fuck up and it was bye bye knee caps, to start with.
  18. Matted-fannied, what a terrible image that conjured up, a proper bonner killer if ever there was one. Worse than a jagged little pill
  19. I presume you posted this wank because the equally wank remake "starring" actors who should know better was on the telly the other night? I liked the original but I was 15 at the time. Best bit was the bloke dissolving in toxic waste which is how I picture many here look like, especially frank after a bukkake session with 2 dozen Nigerian (or Greek, as they seem to be popular at the moment) economic migrants.
  20. Stubby Pecker

    Comic Cunts

    This is yankified crap made popular by dozens of utter shite films aimed a teenage boys. Anyone who indulges in over the age of 16 should be killed or worse still sent to live in France.
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