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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. He'd let her beat him with a 9 iron, up the shitter. 19th hole fun.
  2. With wipe clean seat covers for the spunk and piss (your clients) and shit (your pimps) and blood (yours-some from getting the shit slapped out of you by the afore mentioned pimp, but mostly the result of brutal fistings) filty depraved, plastic catholic cuntbreed.
  3. With wipe clean seat covers for the spunk and piss (your clients) and shit (your pimps) and blood (yours-some from getting the shit slapped out of you by the afore mentioned pimp, but mostly the result of brutal fistings) filty depraved, plastic catholic cuntbreed.
  4. The old chaps never been the same since I had a slash in a tributary of the Orinoco back in '36 whilst out shooting the natives. Thank god the violent shitting episodes had past by at that stage, but fair play to any piscitorial invader who fancied braving that brown naigara
  5. Amazon jap eye fish, to give its correct name
  6. Agreed. Also the twats that mince about in club shirts from the other side of the country. I had the misfortune of being in a sizeable West Country town on Saturday surrounded by man city, Chelsea or cuntbreed united shirt wearers knowing full well these sheep couldn't locate the place on a map.
  7. Anyone who believes in god should be treated as mentally delusional and beaten with barbed wire coated cricket bats until they see sense or die. Also it's essentially condoning kiddie fiddling, a crime which should be punishable by death. Sky fairies indeed.
  8. What colour is it? Who are the 10 most likely suspects for the dad?
  9. Hope they found the buggered corpse of a crumpet obsessed sheep down there. It's probably where welsh cunt has disappeared to, trying a bit of ovine necrophillia.
  10. It's a Minimi, and ain't shit on a GPMG. Assured 1 round death at long range.
  11. I can't fail to see the irony of this. All these cunts wanting to open the coffin lid a suck him off when over the water we're all appalled at a heinous act of terrorism. This shows the IRA were pussies, didn't see them on suicide missions prepared to die for "the Cause"
  12. Mines better, fuck off! Where you want to send them it nice and warm and they'll get a tan. Hold on...
  13. See my woodchipper post regarding prisons
  14. This dead cunt aside, it's not recent immigrants from Islamic countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh and the USA created war zones of the Middle East that are the threats, at the moment. These people on the whole want a better life and to escape the likes of the Taliban. Whether it's a good idea they should come to Western Europe a culture and climate so alien to their own is another question, I suspect it's our own high morals and high wealth and the liberal guilt generated by the latter that's the cause. As most sane people suggest, other countries with similar cultures, such as sexism, the right to beat and rape your wife, homophobia and the overwhelming presence of religious dogma would be more compatible. It seems it's, a small minority, of the 3rd or 4th generation Muslims who's families came after the partition of India until fairly recently that have decided to reject our culture in favour of the death cult of ISIS. We enjoy incredible freedoms here; beers, porn, not having to pray 5 times a day, basically-freedom. If, when I was growing up id not been allowed beer, wanking, shagging, all things that are perfectly natural id probably be insane. Islam seems to suppress these natural urges, like most religions, and turn followers into good little robots. Incompatible with our freedoms, the way I and most others want to live. There needs to be a big change of ideas to reject the nonsense of religion and all the stupid rules they demand that divides us. Stupid rules that seem to turn some Muslim men suicidally and murderously angry. The gloves of the police, spooks and military need to come off to crush these deluded fuckers once and for all. Maybe some big super prison where all those with even the slightest bit of suspicion on them can go, the isle of manistan I would call it. Patience is wearing thin, people have had enough excuses and reasons of why these things happen. There's no justification, sky fairy lies must end.
  15. Those on thin ice shouldn't jump at and down like a silly cunt. You misunderstand, my enquiry into the state of your battered ringpiece was one of concern. I know you decs and quincycock breath are close but the cooler is so full it's 3 to a bunk bed. I'm pretty sure none of you fancied being cellys with frank and punkers, and all men have urges. Especially thanks to the non stop abba and Eurasia sound track we petitioned roops to play over the tanoy.
  16. Freshly out of the clink-was it time off for good behaviour or did you put a chit in for a wooden horse? I trust you now walk like john Wayne after the ravaging of your arsehole by all and sundry and I hope quince and decs got equally brutal bummings p.s. Some twat already did that joke you slow witted taffy cunt
  17. I agree, that's just the way it is. Off to the training centre with medals and pay rise intact, I'm sure his mrs is pleased
  18. Leonard Cohen my arse cheeks, if you'd take time to review this nom properly you'll see it's been established that Hendon punk leg-end Snuff penned the original and it was shamelessly ripped off and altered for commercial use. Leo nard co hen, indeed
  19. Quite right there's an investigation, due process must be followed-it'll be an easy an straight forward one I hope. It's highly likely, however, that's the end of his active career if he was a regular fire arms officer.
  20. Lundy. if the RAF and RN could use it as target practice or testing chemical weapons
  21. Only here to help gyps old girl
  22. Joking aside, the yanks and chinks probably have developed biological weapons which target specific ethnic groups. One theory is the nazis did this with aids for a future war in Africa, but this has been proven to be bullshit. Bad aids now exists predominantly in the spunk within Punkapes anal cavity
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