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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. If you feel you need to report something on a site called cunts corner then you need to grow a pair and come out fighting. The Mods have a hard enough time trawling through the shite here to make sure the 4th reich brigade are kept at bay. Everyone knows where the line is, except frank the piece of dog shit, many cross it and end in the cooler eating quinces shit for dinner and punkers man goo for dessert. If you can't take it, don't give it or fuck off.
  2. I once resided with the cloggies, in the veluwe with the weird inland sand dunes and black woodpeckers. Do you reckon they'll let us back in when our toys out the pram routine has led to sweeping reforms
  3. They'll make it as nasty as possible for the UK purely to discourage others jumping ship-I'm sure plenty are thinking about it now one of the biggest contributors has left.
  4. ANZAC wine? Thick as shit.
  5. I think you'll find he's the one locked in the Nigerians cellar and dragged out for brutal fisting most evenings, which he enjoys
  6. This film is utter shit and this article, which I've read before, perfectly sums it up. I refuse to watch one second of it as the premise is so ludicrous, it might as well be a pack of hedgehogs. No animal has been vilified so much as the wolf yet we love dogs so much and they're the same species. Liam Neeson is a cunt and should be ashamed of continuing such lies. The last wolf was killed in Ireland in 1786.
  7. Thick cunt. firstly hyenas aren't dogs, they look like dogs which is where thickos like you make assumptions, they're more closely related to big cats african wild dogs are barely bigger than a fox and present no danger to humans, they're also critically endangered, so perhaps it's humans who are the dangerous ones As snatch quite rightly pointed out, wolves attacking people is bullshit. The only recent attacks on humans were due to stupid cunts feeding them, probably old or sick animals on another note, the US congress has just legalised the killing of hibernating bears and wolf pups in their dens, thick cunts, just like you. Thicko
  8. Well said panzyspacker, it makes me weep in public to think of the awful atrocities committed by British troops against the poor fuzzy wuzzies in the Sudan campaign of the 1880s, in OUR name the white arch imperialist bastard men. Jeremy Corbyn
  9. Seeing his oppos killed and maimed by an enemy you can't take on and know full well that you play by the rules probably had something to do with it. Stupid to have filmed it, yes, but not a thick cunt. I think the phase you're looking for is brave cunt.
  10. The whole bottle, down it, then smash over your ugly cunt head
  11. I don't know what got into me. If was the average catholic priests way it would have been his disheveled cock when I was a child. I will now go a burn a few of the popes anointed kiddie fiddlers at the stake to make up for my indiscretion. On a golf course.
  12. If you carry an illegal gun in public then expect to be shot by the police who are trained professionals and who don't fire their weapons like some rap video or infantile Hollywood film. Especially at this time when the nation is on high alert and you're of a darker shade of pale. That sweaty Brazilian cunt with a back pack on the underground learnt this lesson. Shit I'm agreeing with punkers again! Next thing you know I'll be off to confession then a round of golf culminating in something awful at the 19th hole.
  13. Correct, bootnecks mostly thick as planks. I'm sure he was of sane mind when he shot the rat but annoyed to say the least watching his oppos get killed and maimed buy these cunts and not being allowed to stop them for good.
  14. The family of this gun toting, career criminal have just lost their appeal on his lawful killing by the police. Maybe they don't want to admit their failings in teaching him wrong from right when he was a rat kid. Now they should pay back the tax payers money used to purse this failed venture in benefit cuts
  15. Apparently at his court martial, when the verdict was given and he was dismissed all the top brass stood up and saluted him (properly, not pongo style), essentially saying they condone his actions and would have done the same. They had to condem him to be PC and not cause an outrage of the lefties and hate filled Islam sheep-just like the burning outrage the latter are showing about the actions in Westminster last week and ISIS in general.
  16. Fuck me, I fully agree with punkers on this one. If he didn't film it there would have been no problem. There was very dangerous evac had the cunt not been killed, putting more lives in danger.
  17. I think you'll find it was punkers who was on the receiving end of said bumming. At least that was what to told the police so as not to expose his clients and pimp and avoid yet another savage beating at the hands of his thuggish Nigerian overlord.
  18. What a total cunt. Ugly fat faced one at that. Probably won't do his business much good, hopefully, being against the law and all.
  19. Fucking awfull, last time I volunteer myself for such shite. Only positive outcome was the removal of a stubborn amazon japs eye fish spine from way back. Nice cuppa after mind, with bourbons.
  20. Deserves more than a like, welcome back you insane cuntbreed. How was the experimental anal tightening trial?
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