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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Ok, great chassis shame about the boat race. This however...
  2. I used to ride through town quite regularly but now I haven't the balls for it. I'm to scarred some half pissed polish mental case with no lisence or insurance with mow me down whilst updating his Facebook status
  3. Admit it withers old bean who allegedly dwells in France, you live purely for ape-a-loid for he is you master
  4. Whoops... In my defence I am pissed. 3 bottles of Scotland's finest for crimbo and I've just polished off the last cunt.
  5. I know the types, but if it's work colleagues it's easy to plot revenge. Drugs are really cheap and it's not hard to spike a drink and of course every phone has a video camera
  6. You probably won't get a response from the gay spazmo as I believe Wednesday nights is double team Nigerian spit roast night so he's a bit busy
  7. You 2 really need to call a truce. I suggest PMing each other and arranging some male bonding. Naked wrestling and tequila slammers should do the trick for starters
  8. I actually believe ape boy when he suggests he's been forced into ten pin bowling work nights where as all the shit you come out with is entirely made up. You've obviously been forced into many things in your life; being fisted, sucking off horses etc etc. The least said about your catholic school boy days the better. You snivelling little brown nosed cry baby. Grow a spine and take it just like you do up the shitter. Cunt for brains.
  9. Well fuck me sideways, I really didn't expect an instant reply to ape-a-loid from you laced with such venom. I really am shocked. It's almost as if you chaps don't like each other.
  10. Telling tales out of school and running to admin when someone says something nasty on a forum call cunts corner is the most pathetic, weasely fucking that imaginable. So fucking good luck with that and with your next made up nom about your imaginary life. Brown nosed little cry baby. Isn't it about time you got thrown back in the cooler for your childish lack of self control.
  11. I'm very shocked to get a response. I thought Wednesday was when you where being impaled at both ends by huge black things? One your pimps cock down your throat the other his fellow people trafficking crime lords elbow-deep arm fisting your arse.
  12. You're a lying little cunt. Regurgitating your favourite wank fantasy is truly pathetic. Go back to your imaginary golf club, pissed, in your pretend range rover and look forward to the next catholic mass where you hang out with cunts who condone kiddie fiddling, you brown nosing, grassing, tales out of school, cry baby little shit. Failing that drink bleach.
  13. Wrong. I think you'll find punkers pretends to drive a range rover, actually a cardboard cut out. The vehicle he spends most time in is a burnt out Nissan almera at his imaginary golf club entertaining his clients. This actually entails being brutally arse raped by a pack of thuggish Nigerian illegal immigrants then moving on to sucking off farm animals and scat videos
  14. Harsh, but probably necessary for bike cunts. I'll make sure I sick to the rules of the road or better still dust off my stumpy and stay in the woods. I assume those that get your ire are town and city bikers who get from a to b faster than you by cycling where they want.
  15. Is 59 seconds too long for a punk song?
  16. A mate of mine went on his brother in laws stag do that he beleived was in Rhodes but got changed to benidorm at the last moment. In august. Poor cunt said if he could nuke one place at one time of the year this would be it.
  17. Frank is dead, thank Christ. I believe he took stena line to holland and got buggered to death by punkers Nigerian pimps who trailed him all the way. There's a lot of rotting corpses in those canals.
  18. Whenever I'm destroying some hill on my carbon steed and I hear a wining shitty moped or small engined bike coming up behind me I have to race them, absolutely have to. It hurts deep down, where muscle and tendon meets bone but it's worth it to see other road users in awre of my gusto. No handing is ok if your experienced and doing it for a reason, otherwise it's just cuntish as is not wearing a helmet and riding like a cunt. Many car drivers pay decent respect to cyclists but most take too many risks with OUR lives not theirs. I'm just trying to get home from work to see my kids-I told this to some chavy cunt I caught at the lights who'd just overtaken me on a blind corner narrowly avoiding another car a while back. Weasley little prick was like soz bruv didn't mean it an all. He was fat and smoking so will hopefully die a horrible death.
  19. No you fucking thick as shit bellend, it's easy for you to tar me with the jingo, xenophobia brush as some the more laughable cunt brains here. I think the UK is ok, better than most countries but I certainly don't think we've got the right to lord it over the rest with the ridiculous notion that we're the greatest. The pathetic England football team and their mong fans are a perfect example of what's wrong. We've got much to be proud of, however, and saving innocent civilians who were minding their own business shagging sheep from a vicious junta who had a track record of shocking brutality against its opponents, was defiantly one.
  20. Pansy, you jibbering, poridge eating cunt brain, do you not think before you post any of this shite? In recent times you've been spouting some proper drivel. The UK didn't go to war with the argies just to prop up the government at the time you thick shit, that's what the deeply, deeply unpopular junta did. This was a case of a democratic power telling a tin pot bunch of cunts to fuck off. It was a huge gamble by the argies, conscript troops from the tropical north sent to Antarctic conditions up against professionals at a consistent state of readiness. Only ever one winner. They're very lucky the RAF didn't go to buenos aires. Fair play to thatcher, imagine where we'd be at if we'd gone for a peace deal like the yanks wanted-still scrabbling
  21. Stubby Pecker

    Darcus Howe

    Maybe he should have spent his time being thankful that our liberal society allowed him and millions of other immigrants to make the UK their home and the freedom to critisize the way they are sometimes negatively treated or protrayed. Non indigenous people in other countries tend to be more grateful of escaping their third world shit holes and keep quiet lest they get told to fuck off back. But the latter doesn't happen here even if you're an evil cunt who condones the destruction of our way of life.
  22. I agree, let's fuck off the scotch and taffs only after we've deported all the cuntbreeds we can to these Celtic back waters. Keep NI though just to piss of Gerry Adams and piss on mart in mac Guinness's grave. We could offer gib to our Spanish NATO allies for a price, if their economy could afford it. All it would take would be a terror attack in the costa del sol and they'd be bankrupt
  23. I suppose it was about democracy not loosing to a shitty tin pot dictatorship. The argies invaded because their regime was about to crumble but they had balls taking on a nuclear armed superpower. Still think we should have nuked buenos aires or at the least conventionally bombed the fuck out of them. Nowadays we could just destroy their power stations, dams, factories etc in 24hours with cruise missiles.
  24. I've got a lobster eatting set punkers- a sharped screwdriver and a claw hammer. I'd be happy to demonstrate them on your skull-PM me your postcode and I'll be round x
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