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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Crumpet obsessed sheep who played like at a less noxious version of rat. Thick as shit
  2. Tennis is the gayest sort bar possibly interracial fisting with punkape. Come on Tim!
  3. You forgot AIDs riddled. The tertiary kind.
  4. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    Did you smash her back doors in as well? Being called a massive cunt here is a privilege. The offers of bleach and claw hammers are a thing of the past. I'm sure punkers will give you a cordial greeting. He is a massive bender, however.
  5. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    I'm pretty sure these cuntbreeds made my cunts corner woodchipper top 10 nom a while back. Theyd count as one of course leaving 9 other shits to face the wiring blades, but I'd do 'em head first because if they went in the other way they'd still be grinning their Geordie bollocks till the last second
  6. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    Ok you two, take your respective dicks out of each other's mouths, anyway you should be doing penance for your inability to kill any and dec when you had the chance. One good blow would do for the little fucker, the other cunt, however, would have required some kind a heavy, sharp weapon. Got any?
  7. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    Go easy on Neil, it's Sunday night and he's into triple figures with this weekends wanks
  8. You suck off black men for a living
  9. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    Firstly, fuck off you massive cunt. Fred is a dead set fucking TV leg-end, bet the dirty cunt goosed vodermans arse when it wasn't as massive as these days, the silly slag. Careful of withers, his ancestors breed happily throughout the early 40s with the Hun overlords but of course like every frog now claim they were the resistance. Back on thread, I want ant and dec dead!
  10. It's probably partly attention seeking parents, partly better understanding and diagnosis of these conditions and partly the shitty diet of processed crap we eat.
  11. What about if I hide in the rough with my GPMG and take out a dozen or so tedious closet homosexuals dressed in polo shirt and slacks? They'd not refuse my membership request then.
  12. This was the only pub that would serve us as our local knew we were 17. £1.30 for a pint of archers best, well worth the walk. I get misty eyed thinking of the days when I roamed that valley without a care in the world...
  13. Cats in the UK kill an estimated 275 million prey items a year, 55 million of these birds the rest insects, mammals and replies and amphibians, the later are all protected by law and have all experienced significant population declines. Cat are extremely good hunters and this impact is huge not only on the things they kill but also denying natural predators a food source. The vast majority of cat owners are oblivious to this, don't care or when this is pointed out to them say their cat doesn't or another bullshit excuse. The bellends next door have 4 bloody cats killing everything they can and shitting in my garden for my kids to discover. Extremely irresponsible and completely oblivious to the damage they cause. Cunts
  14. Great work, outta likes. This cunting of punkape has gone to the next level, I've got to up my game...
  15. A new cooler buddy for you punkers! Do us all a favour and shank the blithering, racist sack of shit whilst your in there Peice of advise MC; punkers has TERTIARY AIDs so if you two hit it off on a long lonely night in lock down, you're going to want to double bag and defiantly no tongues. Sorry, feltching is off the menu as well.
  16. Agreed. Frank was the biggest shite of them all, don't know whether he was fucked of, left by his own accord or is back here under another guise. The "real cunts" should be fucked of for good so we can get on with the job of work that's slagging each other off. Go fuck yourself, cuntbrain!
  17. It's worth getting banged up to meet frank. And rip his fucking arms out and beat him to death with them, the vile cunt
  18. How about asking punkape to stop asking punters their daughters age?
  19. Fascinating, pass the bleach
  20. Stubby Pecker


    Bollocks. The convicts might not get a team because their cricket "stars" who got hammered at home by an average South African side, can earn more cash playing t20. Welcome to the death of real cricket exchanged for the football premier league version. They'll be diving next
  21. Shut you're gibbering, garlic mouth you shite stirring muthafuka!
  22. So you got banned for spouting racist crap, fucking get over it. Probably not a good idea to aledge the PMs husband is a paedophile either, you bellend
  23. Fuck me, and we all thought you spent your time in the cooler sucking off Frank when youve been sitting on this all this time
  24. You heartless cunt. Give some of your money, sorry our money, to the poor cunts in umbongo land or let a few come and live with you. Do you like arse rape and witch doctors? It would certainly enrich the diversity of scotchland, the shithole Stubby Pecker
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