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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Stubby Pecker


    What a completely shit nom. Your idea of style is strapping on the plastic and gimp mask with your boyfriend punkape, but then everyone needs a hobby
  2. There's no way that's punkers ring piece, it would have a 5 iron poking out.
  3. Feed yourself through a wood chipper you cuntbreeding, vile dog shit and make the world a nicer place. Do it tomorrow, that way at least you can have one more night dreaming of setting fire to Syrian orphans
  4. I would have made Broad captain as he's unlikely to play much more ODI stuff ever again, seems still to be a real force with the ball, if not a match winner with every spell but solid and miserly (maidens=wickets). Wether he has a good cricket brain, a couldn't comment, but Root plays all three forms, should be captain for a long time, but not now. If he stops consistently scoring there's no other go to men in the middle order. Hammed and Jennings look pretty good but they ain't going to play 20 tests before the first conker at the Gabba. Unfortunately we've got to hope the Aussies are still selecting shit players come November.
  5. I'd wager this goes over the head of majority punters
  6. I'd eat a chav to save the world. I'd insist 48 hours of no lambert and butler, coke cut with saw dust and an organic diet for a least a week. Or maybe just feed them through a wood chipper into the North Sea to vastly increase captain birds eyes catch by feeding the cod. Do the rich and BNP types at the same time.
  7. I think it's already in Relentless and KFC. Please.
  8. China's one child policy was a crock of shit, rural areas were exempt as peasants were needed to grow the rice, plus it's so big it's almost impossible to enforce especially as they're all corrupt little cunts. Having witnessed a special care baby unit it's gut wrenching. I have a friend who's a midwife who has had to deliver drug addicted babies thanks to their smack head mums and she says there's no cry like it, no comforting works, through no fault of their own. I'd advocate sterilising druggies for this reason as the poor little cunts don't stand a chance. On a lighter note, fuck Frank, I hope the vile cunts dead already
  9. Not as big-a-cunt as Walton Goggins
  10. No. There are too many people in the uk and the world. There should be a government policy to reduce our population, over several generations-200 years, if we are to survive as a species and not destroy all the others. I don't advocate euthanasia booths or the gasing of the disabled. Politicians think in 5 year cycles. Look at Scandinavia- similar in size much smaller population, better standards of life. Atheism yes, it will come. Do you not think its good to embrace the culture if the county you choose to reside, unlike all the pikey chavs in Southern Spain and pie in the sky retirees in France? Too many lazy cunts live life on handouts, just like their parents and grandparents. If you can only have kids by sponging, don't have them.
  11. I wish your kraut dr was Josef Mengele
  12. What he fucking said you cunts
  13. Utter fucking shite. I agree immigration is out of hand and has been for a long long time and needs to change but lots of cunts have got filthy rich on the back of it. There's no left wingers here, not on a forum called cunts corner, it's common fucking decency to stand up to the racist crap that's being spewed out just as it is to offer those in genuine need of help, children, what we can. I go back to my cunts charter: if I'm a cunt whilst in the uk, I shall be fucked off to the shite hole I whence came, at my own cost and receive a complementary kick in the plums/minge for good measure. Fuck off you knuckle dragging bigoted cuntbreeds. Multiculturalism would probably work without the sky fairy shit and a duty to imbrace our language, history and culture. But the full stop to this is there are simply to many people in the uk. We're living longer, immigrants tend to be in their 20s so more fertile. We need to incentives smaller family's, tax bigger ones and prevent more coming in than going out/checking out. Jobless cunts should be forced to work filling some of the low paid jobs immigrants and illegals do. Life is too easy, Darwin was sadly wrong when it came to humans.
  14. All you homo's have taken great gallons of spunk up the colon.
  15. Or drive at 40 regardless of the limit. Those cunts who speed through a 30 are the worst mind. It's there for a reason
  16. I've got some quinoa tofu casserole in the slow cooker and a cheeky Chablis in the fridge-do you want to come round and debate the latest iteration of the guardian?
  17. Ok we get it now, you wouldn't help innocent children who through no fault of their own are living in appalling conditions, vulnerable to horrible exploitation and have witnessed death. Let's hope that if and when you're in a position of need, those same morals aren't extended to you.
  18. That might be the most intelligent thing you've ever said and yes, you can now shit in my mouth
  19. Seek help you sick multi quoting northern motherfucker
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