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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. The small part being your pathetic excuse for a penis? A smelly French one at that
  2. Pull your pants up and stop frothing at the bum hole. Rio games a disaster for Brazil? Care to explain? If the country is run by a bunch of corrupt money grabbing cunts yet a to grasp the concept of common decency and democracy that's there own fault. They still have police murder squads for fucks sake and were until recently a 3rd world banana shit hole. I suspect many of our successful sports men and women do a great deal of good charity and community work but of course don't feel obliged to take selfies with sick kids and plaster it all over twitter as our world beating footballists do.
  3. The exception of Keegan goes without saying. The 2 others you mentioned were undoubtedly more manly that today's tattooed, peratanned, hair gelled tit ends, plus they they had to dodge flying bananas, ehh ratters.
  4. Jessica Ennis is a double world champ and Olympic medalist in the hardest sport you could think of and did half of it after having a baby so if any cunt deserves some respect it's her. She also seems to be a normal lass not bothered with celebrity, pouting selfies and the like so favoured by most chicks in the lime light. Essentially she's a advertisers dream so thank your lucky stars she's no the type to whore herself out even more. I think the vast majority are happy that our Olympians receive some funding. I'm pretty sure Steven Redgrave and Chris Hoy wouldn't have become the legends they are, crushing all foreign jonnies that stood the their way if they hadn't got funding from their respective sports governing bodies, much of which having come from government or national lottery. I'd rather my tax money go to them rather than some lazy chav cunts or to fund gastric band operations for fattys or cancer treatments for twats who've smoked for 20 years. Lazy, selfish, weak cunts who don't deserve our pity and should be prevented from breeding more of their listless kind.
  5. Actually football in the 70s and 80s was free from today's poofery. They didn't get the obscene money of nowadays new game of kiss tag. You'd stand a good chance of seeing players from that era in the local and could talk to them on the same level. Today they all retreat to their mansions in private helicopters to compare grotty tats and suck each other off, allegedly
  6. Bollocks, if you don't like her advertising some shite in the breaks between gay factor just turn over. I don't begrudge her a single penny in what she makes outside of sport. Olympians are the best and train their fucking tits off just to get there sacrificing a whole lot along the way. Compare this to some bone thick footballist cunt who plays 2 games a week plus a training session to rock up at in a car costing more than most earn in 10 years of graft.
  7. What do you call an 80s midfield footballist who had stints at Liverpool, Chelsea & Rangers?
  8. Suffolk is a lovely place and statistically one the driest places in the U.K. so stop fucking moaning.... Chav names like these convinced me years ago that a secret serialisation program of those deemed useless to the gene pool MUST happen.
  9. Chuck Norris once had a fight with superman. The looser had to wear his pants on the outside.
  10. Piss in the garden, the main benefits of living in the middle of no where. And the quite, fresh air, wildlife, lack of chavs and not having to communicate with cunt neighbours and their rat kids. Haven't gone as far as a dump in the garden yet, out on a run however....
  11. Fuck the yanks, it's the same for wildlife films-you instantly feel they're not telling you the whole truth and that the spectacle has been cheapened somehow.
  12. Granted you can take a shit whilst golfing but there are many other sports where wild ones can be laid, the "not taking a shit before going for a run" thread outlines this. As for half time fellatio, there are all gay rugby clubs you can join if that's your thing or just PM Spunkgape and pick a sport-you could probably do him up the shitter 'an all
  13. Old punky is more interested in holes 19th, 20th, 21st etc etc
  14. Stubby Pecker


    Cuntish game for boring cunts. It's not a sport if you wear an ironed shirt and slacks with a nice crease down the leg or have to exert zero physical energy. Shouldn't be in the Olympics along with other 'sports' and those that already have their showcase events like tennis and kiss tag. The Ryder cup is wank, even the spectators are plebs. Any able bodied human under 65 who takes it up should be soundly thrashed and forced into ultra marathons, iron man and that skiing thing they do where they carry a fucking gun. All golf courses should be turned into nature reserves with the rotting corpses of the geriatric former occupants feeding the ecosystem.
  15. Cheers Neil, it was all getting a bit lovey dovey round here you vacuous sack of AIDS (bad AIDS mind) riddled shite
  16. I got one Saturday on my bike, took me 10 mins to change the tube then I got to work on plastic pam
  17. I thought he was a yank not a bog rat. This cage fighting shit will soon over take boxing as the number 1 meat head sport. The chavs like it because it's somewhere they can copy their pathetic tattoos from. Unfortunately nowadays any cunt can look like a hulking beast without putting too much work in just eat loads of protein products and take the drugs. Hopefully they'll die of some kind of cancer or their balls will shrivel and won't be any to get it up
  18. I'm pretty sure it's not hard time they're doing. They'll come out addicted to Spice and punkers cock. I'm also pretty sure it'll be a short stay on the outside before they can't control themselves and cross the line of grown up decency.
  19. It's his weekly electro shock treatment. Unfortunately he comes back an even bigger cunt than before. Christ know what he'd be like if it didn't have it-a bastard cross between punkers, frank and Del Boy? Intermember acromony seems to be at an all time low with the cooler full of the worst offenders. Anyone want to have a go?
  20. Not one of my proudest moments, especially as I hail from one the most inbred backwaters of the county. Decs was there too and I believe he got a second interview thanks to his web footed fen monkey gibberish
  21. Fuck Banbury, went for a job interview there once and didn't get it. Hi chav count as well
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