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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Is that the same local Italian you suck off for a fiver? All 10 of them?
  2. You horse cock sucking cuntbreed, go back to your pretend golf club in your cardboard range rover and take what's coming to you. Multi cocks in every hole.
  3. Why don't you PM admin now and save yourself a job later you fucking cry baby poof. You'll end up in the Thames one day when your pimp masters can't make any more money from selling your battered arse piece to the latest filthy cunt. Jamahl and leroy your Nigerian pimps will spit roast you one more time and throw you in with any luck.
  4. Stubby Pecker


    Fuck me they've only had 70 fucking years to get it right so I don't think we can really blame the break up of the British empire for today's shit hole that is Pakistan.
  5. Nothing more than a brain washed sheep. No doubt she wants full sharia law for the entire planet and everyone to bow to Mecca 5 times a day, women separate from the men of course, the the world would be perfect. Burn the witch
  6. She should be made to wear her hate breed on a placard and walk through tel aviv, then be set alight
  7. Why isn't this cuntbreed in jail for racist comments? Oh, she's slightly on the dusky side so therefore can't be racist and is immune to reproach, silly me
  8. What goes through corbyns brain? Does he cry himself to sleep at night because everyone's not like him, the tree hugging pacifist cunt. He looks like a geography teachers at a comprehensive school on the 80s not PM material. Every Tory must be fucking pissing themselves.
  9. I'm pretty sure most countries have got some nasty chemical weapons, it's old technology, so fuck knows what they've got that we really don't know about. See my earlier post about civilised folk not using them, this goes for nukes-we could have fried all the argies 100 times over in 81 but didn't even threaten it, I wonder if they would have been such gentlemen had the roles been reversed?
  10. I agree, what Saudis are doing in Yemen is a war crime (double tap bombings to kill the medics and helpers for example) but I don't think 70 million cunts could ever sustain themselves in the sun baked mountainous shit pit. Surely a typo
  11. So big nosed, bushy eye brow cunt salmond came out a while back suggesting the heathen cunts should become Scandinavian. Now some Canuck writer called McGoogan (they're mostly descended from highland cunts chucked out when the landlords got into sheep) reckons scotchland should join Canada. I'm all for it. We're going to need a lot of boats to deport these pastey fleshed ginger trogs over the North Atlantic ice flows to their new homes in the wilderness but think of all that space left for us English overlords to use. I suggest we rename Shetland Scotlandistan and hold an instant referendum to make it independent. The blokes wouldn't wear their white dresses up there in the winter but I could see a definite advantage in the burka, a fleece lined gore text one mind.
  12. It's the only way to be sure. That's the difference between civilised folk like us and heathen, brutal cunts who put no value on human lives. We've got this shit in our arsenal and could fuck over any cunt we wanted to, but don't. They've got a shittiest poor mans WMDs and choose to use them, with perceived impunity, on children. It's all about power in Syria and those who've got it will have their throats cut when they loose it. Then it'll be the turn of the next lot of evil cunts to have a go. Well done Middle Eastern countries for looking after your own shop. Cunts
  13. Compulsory contraception for under 21 and over 21, years of age and weight in stones respectively. But seriously, the welfare state should exits for all and especially those most vulnerable. Financial incentives for smaller (or none) families the opposite for larger ones would work but this would get the liberals frothing at the beef curtains. We need to wean many families off being dependant on welfare, to make it socially unacceptable rather than an inevitable way of life. If they can't be responsible then stop all benefits, make the cunts pick up litter for min wage or deport them to Somalia
  14. So it's ok to let these cunts slaughter 250,000 with conventional weapons but get the sarin gas out and finally the fuckwits in power wake up. The pussies at the UN haven't given a fuck for 5 years so the Don is calling up the carriers. EU has asked the UN to "strongly condemn" the Syrian government that'll tell 'em! The Russians have been made to look like right cunts by Assad they might sort him out themselves
  15. Wood chipping's to good for Francis, as is being claw hammered to oblivion. I agree death is the only option for this vile cunt so I suggest staking the cunt in the desert and let the ants eat him alive
  16. Great policy. Hopefully these fucking thick cunts will think when it comes to reproducing. There needs to be more policies like these to incentivise responsible behaviour and to discourage thick as fuck mongs from living beyond there means ie breeding. I saw some swamp beast stomping through tesco last night with at least 3 rat kids, 1 a slightly darker hue than the others, running riot through the aisles. I shit you not one of the little cunts was called Fredrico, I know this because the slug like mother was yelling at the little shit as she waddled towards the pies.
  17. Great work, first class. tell me more of this goatfucksmysixtoedsister.com you speak of
  18. Great work, first class. tell me more of this goatfucksmysixtoedsister.com you speak of
  19. Great work, first class. tell me more of this goatfucksmysixtoedsister.com you speak of
  20. So spring is upon us and as soon as blades of grass dare to grow 1mm cuntbreeds across our nation must get out there a cut it down to size. What you do in your own garden is up to you, but fuck me why do twats feel the need to mow 100m of grass verge outside their garden walls? God forbid any flower that dares to grow there and make the place look untidy. Fucking fuckwits.
  21. Purely in an R&D role of course, testing the really big ones
  22. Christ on bike, punkers must be glow in dark high viz orange all over if your theory is correct, as is your hand old boy.
  23. I pass a lollipop lady most mornings on my bike. It's at the top of a very long hill and she never stops me, a nice smile and a wink sees to that. She makes the little rat kids and their constantly smoking, tat covered sub human parents fucking wait for me. Quite right to. The van driving cunts doing 50 in the 30 zone have to stop mind but at least this gives them a chance to roll a fag, read the sun and update their Facebook status with some more gay porn.
  24. True ratters old chap, all the biking I've done over the millennia have reduced my klootzac (ask Gongers) to a shrivelled pair of grapes. Make one wish I'd done many more mile before I met mrs pecker and she started firing out the stubblets
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