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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Technically yes, but I'd like to ask the cunt what's he done with Quincy and decs. Chained in his dungeon with the flock or under his new patio with, please, franks rotting corpse?
  2. Your continuing endorsement of the Catholic Church is wearing thin. You're a lying little cunt and don't really believe in sky fairies, deep down no one does. The Catholic Church is a paedo ring as are all religious institutions. Honestly do you really believe intelligent humans think there's a big man in the sky who created the world in severn days and is waiting for the good ones to join him when they croak it? If you continue this stance you're condoning the institutionalised bumming of children thus destroying their lives.
  3. Stubby Pecker


    Quince, decs and bubba must have had some special "treatment" one flew over the cuckoos nest style. Roops ratchet anyone?
  4. No lube required for your gaping hole punkers old boy. I suspect you prefer a brutal dry bumming anyhow, blood and shit from a good fisting show smooth it up. Good old 19th hole
  5. Easily done when you control what people see, read and listen to. I reckon he's been studying North Korea and the dead cunt from Venezuela.
  6. Stubby Pecker


    The way this is going Roops et al will be sent into meltdown when they get up in a few hours time
  7. Agreed, Teddy Grylls is a tit, needlessly killing turtles for the sake of it, hanging out of a chopper etc. Dispite his nut hugging shorts, Mears is the man, I've seen him on lecture tour a couple of times. Knowledgeable, respectful to wildlife and abos
  8. Man goes down would be better. Give it a catholic angle and throw in a few alter boys hopefully he'll die of a heart attack the devient little poof
  9. Stubby Pecker


    Yes the packaging is utter shit. Why not a perforated paper inner wrapping rather than the brittle film stuff that seems to fall to pieces at random. There is no stonk, for now on you are weetabollocks
  10. Don't hold any hope of that one, punky can keep going almost 5 mins when deep throating one of his west African pimps, only stopping when he's got a lung full aids riddled, um bongo man mayo
  11. Probably next to your Klingon swords, brony Keith katana and your extensive collection of gay and beastiality DVDs you fucking sicko cry baby snitch
  12. Outta likes minge man, you've got the gist of old punkers; a rabid arse bandit who offers absolutely no sensible opinion on semi serious noms, it's all me, me, me
  13. And that's exactly why we hate the retarded little cunt
  14. Tub of fisting butter or subscription to man love monthly?
  15. These cunts haven't got nukes let alone the capacity to lunch them. The fuel alone would bankrupt their economy. If it wasn't for china they'd all starve to death within a fortnight but the chinks must be in Awre of the control these evil cunts wield on their human slaves
  16. Reported for not acknowledging the pope and all his evil little minions are raging kiddie fuckers
  17. Stubby Pecker


    Mayor of Hitoshi say "ahh what the fuck was that!"
  18. Fuck me withers, apealoid must make your piss boil something chronic. To be fair spunk ape bum gape has the same effect on me but I give no quarter to that cuntbreed whereas your cunting is more maginot line that napoleonic
  19. Your clients understand what you mean when you plead for them not to fist you, again, but they choose to ignore it at stuff a fiver in your face when their filthy lust is satisfied. Kill yourself
  20. If I ever get the chance to visit Yellowstone fuck the gaysers, I'm off to find some wolves and bears
  21. Not his scrote but it his prolapsed ringpiece that hangs out like a badly packed kebab that makes his trouser sag
  22. When I said dribbling I meant a combo of spunk, shit and blood dribbling out of your gaping arsehole
  23. I truly appologise, dings summary for this weekends events is correct. My theory was last weekends vile debauchery. You dribbling inbred spastic little cunt
  24. Your golfing is being brutally fucked over and over by a pack of AIDS riddled west African illegal immigrants. This vile display gets filmed and will shortly be posted on some disgusting website and viewed by dirty little cunts like yourself. The fine wines could either be slang for the gallon of filthy spunk shot down your throat and maybe just your bog standard ANZAC wine. As for roasted game this is surely a typo. It's really a roasting game.
  25. With tonight essentially being a Friday night because of the bank holiday, good luck getting an answer. The queer cunt will be out on the game, jamahal will see to that
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