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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. When read aid, you saw AIDS such is your obsession. Reported from being a dull version of Groundhog Day
  2. And yours states that you're a scat merchant. It's already established you suck off horses, are a world class feltcher and the biggest consumer of fisting butter. Combine that with your rent boy status it's not surprising you're into the brown stuff. God knows what else you get up to. But of course, being a good catholic means as long as you say sorry to some child raping priest (and suck his crusty bellend) it's ok. Fucking kill yourself, slowly while screaming in agony you dirty little cry baby snitch
  3. To be fair a bit of radiation would improve the place and resultant mutations would enrich the gene pool derived from criminals we fucked off 100s of years ago
  4. You're not dead then? One can only assume you've been head screw in the overcrowded slammer (one cell to accommodate every cunt) so is it true what punkers did to franks corpse and how's Tom, Dick and Harry going in regards to decs and quincys break out?
  5. I think most punters here can think of an excellent place to get rid of trident. It's hot, very sandy and the natives are a jolly rough bunch
  6. I'm sure you'd like to "sort them out" Darwin is only a short hop from SE Asia, you vile, disgusting little shit stabber
  7. You really are a collosal tit. Enjoy your time in the cooler giving franks corpse a reach around
  8. Poor old punkers, seems everyone has twigged he's a deviant brown hatter saving up for a weeks holiday somewhere in South East Asia
  9. Not quite unfortunately, whatever he caught in India laid him up for a while, my bet it was crabs or anal warts. Either that or he got banged up over there for being a cunt to the locals and arse rapped constantly in some black hole of Calcutta
  10. If I was ocker, I'd want the gov to bulk up the navy patrols up north to stop the bastards from Indonesia and other shit holes turning the territory into another version of said shit holes. The tiger sharks and crocs up there must be well fed however
  11. Does the star still have tits on page 3, if not I'll give it a miss
  12. Cunting aside Eduardo, I essentially agree. Both India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons and more conventional stuff to level mt Everest so perhaps they could spend a little less on these. India also has a space program which I doubt will benefit the slums of Bombay. Nigeria has the biggest oil reserves outside the Middle East so they can piss off, same as Venezuela
  13. I'd be interested to see the source of your data and be surprised if the uk gave North Korea any money whatsoever considering we're still at war with this Stalinist hellhole. I'm also surprised you object to this money going to curry munchers to improve the squalor of your imaginary hols. I see India isn't included in the list but Pakistan is so I suggest you fuck off there next time as I hear the locals are a charming bunch and would be in awre of your pink pot belly, obligatory gold chain(s), von dutch wardrobe and wilko flip flops as you sunned yourself next to the raw sewerage outlet.
  14. I think that'll do it, dermot oleary could present and sat night itv
  15. Outta likes, this doesn't look like viz though?
  16. Stubby Pecker


    I genuinely feel sorry for you old bean. Having never caressed a big, soft pair of tits and felt them wrap around your cock shorty before sliding into a nice warm pussy. The only thing you regularly feel is jamahls back hand after you fail to earn your keep trawling the docks for an evening of forced depravity. And if you're lucky you'll be sliding into one of your fellow rent boys hairy arseholes, albeit a winit encrusted one smelling of spunky farts. Repent homo-ism now and kill yourself.
  17. Outta fucking likes again, the minute punkers opens his mouth the wave of slagging is most hilarious
  18. Stubby Pecker


    Stop stalking me and trying to queer me up, I like fit birds not obesse retards with nhs glasses and a photo of the village people on their mobility scooters ie you
  19. Stubby Pecker


    I keep telling the silly cunt to PM me his address (landfill site were he sleeps in his card board range rover) and I'd happily pop round, via your gaff for a lend of your parang....
  20. Stubby Pecker


    Please god no...... I heard he finally went to Israel to start a kebutz for is "Red Sea pedestrian" bro's. Either that or opp yew tree finally caught up with him
  21. Stubby Pecker


    Yawn, AIDS AIDS AIDS. Change the record fuckwit and go back to fingering the dead pets in your deep freeze
  22. This ridiculous fool should be forced to listen to every Slayer album back to back for a whole year. I see this as the only way to cure him of is obvious twatish homo ways. Bet he's wearing skinny jean 'an all
  23. Stubby Pecker


    I'm quite happy to talk to attractive women as I'm good looking myself and have a body most 20 something little poofs would die for-years of hard physical exercise have seen to that. You on the other hand have probably never talked to a fit bird in your life so certain would be the rejection as would be the stream of their vomit as it hits you in the face, so repugnant you are. This explains why you're a homo.
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