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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. You're wasting your time on P Spaz, minge. He sticks to the act of a lover not a hater so well it must be true. One day he might make a worthwhile comment, or god forbid, a nom containing such rabid cunting and vitriol it'll generate some funny debate-what this place it about. Every site needs a punchbag (punkly) lunatic ('eavens, although he seems somewhat reformed, probably due to his high dose) and pansyspazer-complete waste of space and non entity. Up yer fucking game pansy, make noms, get cunting or piss off
  2. And get ready for a back scuttle?
  3. Electrol bribery, hoping that the thick, benifit scrounging masses will buy it the same way Blair and his cronies bought their second term by giving away free houses and extra heroin for their 12 multi coloured rat kids. I hate Cor-bin and want him dead
  4. It'll need to be a girthy fucker to touch the sides of punklys prolapsed rectum.
  5. Excellent, 100% predictable response, it's all there; golf, snobbery, AIDS, poofery and sky fairy bollocks. Have fun at church tomorrow morning gobbling off the vicar and joining up for nefarious activities after with selected members of the congregation, fuckstick
  6. Thanks Eric, I hope this lesson proves all is not lost for our species and that the English language, when used correctly, is flourishing.
  7. Great work from the corners very own mental midget. I'm still waiting for you to comment on something with a modicum of intelligence without going through your usuall repertoire of same, same pious bullshit designed to provoke a mass cunting from the human beings here. Please die horribly, alone and doubly incontinent you cry baby, snitching little poof
  8. My suggestion of anything other than the same dozen or so constantly recycled responses from our resident mental midget is indeed a fanciful one, but I can only hope. I think the constant injections of spunk have rotted him from the inside and his brain is stuck in a loop of bullshit. "Fucking cascade of spunk and blood" almost as poetic as "cum shrapnel from a farting faggots arsehole"
  9. This is as rare as rocking horse shit. He'll be making an intelligent comment next and entering a reasoned debate instead of entering another man.
  10. He uses it, unnecessarily, to lube his arsehole for his nightly west African anal invasion
  11. Bravo, Eric. I bet they fire them from the hip instead of the well aimed burst from the shoulder and never ending mag
  12. 5. Punkape, yet again, yawn Originally a mohawked simian, now simply Walter Mitty on a constant repeat cycle; golf, AIDS, range rovers (cardboard), AIDS again, lobster irons, more AIDS. Repeat every 2 weeks or whenever out of the slammer
  13. Stubby Pecker


    Good god man, I hope this isn't something you concocted from an image in your mind? If so, seek help AND strong alcohol
  14. And you're a sicko who sucks of burly dock workers, 10 at a time, for a fiver followed by a spit fisting, no lube, from your sadistic Nigerian pimps. Does your depravity know no end? Who knows what you're capable of....
  15. Good god almighty, you could loose your head up there. This picture is now punkers wank fantasy of all time.
  16. The correct way to display ones camel toe
  17. That'll be next winter/summer at the Adelaide oval when we hammer the living shit out of Steve smiths bunch of cheating cuntbreeds, I dreamt....
  18. Cheeky little cunts. I had beavers in my pond once but can't think of a smutty pun to with this shocking revelation
  19. Tip of his cock on yer tonsils and saggy nuts on yer chin more bloody like. All golf courses should be turned into nature reserves or have low cost housing for Somali illegals put on them, somewhere to heard theirs goats at least
  20. You cunts didn't seem to mind the frogs irradiating the coral on your doorstep. Ricky Ponting is a cunt
  21. Obsessed with bumming and AIDS again? What a supprisr
  22. You'll be dead by June hopefully or at least an incapacitated dribbling wretch as the "tertiary" AIDS kicks in. I'd have a glass of ANZAC wine and hope for the best
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