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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. I picture p spaz as a scrawny tattooed old cunt, baldy head with mullet locks, only a few teeth left and an indecipherable Glaswegian accent that makes his writing seem like Wordsworth in comparison
  2. You blithering fucking retard, please try to use at least some English combined with correct punctuation. It must be a perpetual rain and darkness and subsisting on iron brew and methanol which make you come across as such a divy
  3. Fucking spot on. I'm queuing for my bastard shopping I don't want some tosser breathing their vile breath onto my neck or listen to them screaming at their cunt kids in a guttural West Country accent (town not country). I like to reverse back slowly and see if they say anything. Same as twats behind the wheel
  4. To quote in part Richard E Grant in Withnail & I - Withers, you terrible cunt!
  5. Change your avatar, you look like an even more ridiculous homo than you are
  6. It was shorty after he took a dump in the same bog punkape was seen lurking in. Obviously didn't decontaminate the bog seat...
  7. It's well known decs, the web footed fen monkey, hails from deepest, dullest Norfolk so one can only assume all that time you spent chained together in the cooler had a lasting effect on the pair of you. For poor old decs it meant being strangled to death in his sleep and stored in your deep freeze to be taken out daily for "golfing in Norfolk", a euphemism for being buggered senseless whilst you regale his thawing corpse about lobster forks, the great time you and the priests have with the choir boys and your handicap-not in the golfing sense but a real mental and physical handicap you have rendering you a dribbling mong with an extremely low IQ and a predisposition for vile sexual depravity
  8. It's churning out to be a bit tedious...
  9. Minge vs pansy, ape vs withers, wolf vs roops, good vs evil.... Eternal battles to the death, there can be only one
  10. Wide berth you say? The only wide thing punkly has is etc etc
  11. Buried your stiffun in few corpses more like. Pre or post rigour mortis?
  12. Stubby Pecker


    Bullshit the coolers empty. If it is then you've done something horrible to decs involving a 6ft hole and a ton of concrete. We know quince is a free man to carry on his scatting but chooses to try and sneak back under the radar, the daft twat.
  13. You're missing a trick punkly. An inner city allotment could be a great source of revenue for you! Think of all those 50 or 60 something blokes who go there to get pissed and escape the mrs, I'd wager half are closet homos and would give you a fiver for a hand job. Either that or just put a flyer on their sheds to meet you at your imaginary golf club. Poofter
  14. It's a still from the world pig fucking champs, about to go head to head in the final with punkly. Don't fancy his chances
  15. Nobody gives a monkeys about golf you tit, change the record and stop using the same responses. Also stop your ragging gayness; being a toilet trader is not a career choice and you're just spreading the bad AIDS around. Failing that, drink bleach
  16. Please slash your fucking wrists you worthless pile of dog shit.
  17. You fucking hypocrite panzywanker! You said you don't like the cunting, it's the reason this place is occasionally funny
  18. My only issue is lesbos are all fat ugly swamp breasts not the nubile silicone enhanced creatures who are eager for me to join them
  19. Gay as Xmas, but who gives a fuck. I've got no problem whatsoever with gayness but will never stop using it as a playground insult to wind up certain cretinous Walter Mitty types
  20. It's gay pride day everyday for only punky. Perhaps fours days off doing good work like picking litter or burning chavs?
  21. Stubby Pecker


    Pansy obviously wrote this in the early hours went the affect of his 8 cans of tenants super (consumed much earlier) was starting to wear off so excuse his usual blithering idiocy. Good luck voting in the French election from your Newcastle council slum
  22. Stubby Pecker


    Vile, greasy donkey meat, encased in one of punkers used, albeit 4 times too long, johnnies. He prefers the jumbo foot long salamis, unsurprisingly.
  23. That's what holidays are for for those who work, sorry pansy. This is desperate bid by cor bin to win the votes of the thick, luckily they don't watch the news only ITV 2. Even his blind tree hugging student support base must be able to see through this crap but they're probably to busy being wet and PC-kill them all!
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