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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Its unfortunately the done thing now for young girls to get tats. It's heart breaking to see good looking women wrecking their bodies in an attemp to be fashionable. A girl I work with talks about getting them and I'm trying to convince her not to, at least not visible ones. She's quite hot but also quick thick which explains a lot and I think lack of intelligence and awareness of the real world around them are the reasons tatto artists are so busy
  2. Are these the 100 Bangladeshi kids living in your spider invested shed? You need to go to the open corner as there's a whole nom dedicated to your northern monkey man cave
  3. Agreed. If you've got a beard and tats you should be chainsawing a tree, striping the engine of a 50s landrover or beating the shit out of some drunken chavs for fun not listening to wet pants music of your giant head phones and crying into your saggy man boobs. Every other footballist, pro or village green, has sleeves. We'll look back to 20 years and be able to spot those good robots who chose to be cool and out there on their yoof. I want then all dead.
  4. Fuck me, we should send this lot to Isis along with some bullets and sharp knives so they can cull these limp wristed, metrosexual cunts. This will also lull the jihadist pricks into thinking we're all as poofy and lead to their merciless slaughter if they abandon their cowardly ways and stand up for a real fight.
  5. Stop being mean to me you nasty man. On a serious note; lets not let our cunting battles derail this thread, there's a good chap. I sense we might lock horns on others very soon....
  6. I'm close to the edge snatcher, if he keeps this barrage of heartless abuse up much longer, I'm telling. The fucking rotter
  7. What a coincidence, I went to cricket nets last night. I'll use that appeal this summer for an lb shout
  8. I find this self diagnosis pretty accurate pans, I think you should seek help or better still PM minge baby your address and two of you can get together and compare notes
  9. Stubby Pecker


    Like a true Yorkshire-ist, never the generous type
  10. Nope, still gibberish you tedious scots pissmonger
  11. I couldn't agree more old bean. It seems in the last few years this has become the norm and sociably acceptable whereas back in the day if you wanted to put a bet on you had to enter a squalid smoke filled shop full of repulsive losers. Every other ad on TV is for some bet and you'll be the greatest cunt on earth bollocks and thick as fuck idiots fall for it using their benefit money paid for by the intelligent in our society.
  12. Stubby Pecker


    Tee hee, I hope you're blushing as much as me, you little minx
  13. I wouldn't get into your golf clubs because they're imaginary. No I didn't have a public school education therefore wasn't buggered thrice nightly by all and sundry, like you wish you'd been. Fuck off to spastic troll and worship your paedophilic religion
  14. Jesus Christ, there you go again, putting the boot in, you heartless mother fucker
  15. You come out with the most cutting put downs punkly, I'm destroyed
  16. Stubby Pecker


    Don't be silly, she's got a fanny! He'd insist on a false beard, stick on pubes on the ringer or maybe get her to strap on the plastic instead
  17. Stubby Pecker


    I'm sure there's plenty of punters here who'd want to go bare back with you gypo...
  18. Stubby Pecker


    All the ones they have to shoot on grand national day get served Bradley wiggins as a way to beat the drugs test
  19. He would love to. Just thinking about it makes him break his " 5 second rule". Just have to make to with the priests scabby bellend again punkers
  20. Is your husband elton john?
  21. I thought it but didn't type it, you scamp
  22. Good job decs isn't around or he'd be all over that shit
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