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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. So when you get your hands on this gay peasant punkers is selling second had, what will you do with it? Feed it Viagra and booze in an attempt that it might fuck you or will it simply be colostomy bag duties like the rest of his cast offs?
  2. If they moved above you they wouldn't be asking you a baby sit that's for sure.
  3. What me keep him personally? I'll take him only if you lot agree to have john barryman, the ultimate plastic jock, for keeps
  4. Steady on old bean, these illiterate goat herds from near Asia might have dragged their dozen gypsy kids with them. He'd probably be worried they'd set up a brothel and started to undercut him. But then again, if you're a catholic you can carry on like the biggest cunt in the world as long as you say sorry to a child molesting priest once a week.
  5. That's more like it panzy boy. Didn't take much for you to abandon the love not war crap you've been bagging on about.
  6. Worried about the competition? I don't think you should; I'm sure a lady like pen wouldn't be prepared to undertake the depraved acts your brutish clients expect
  7. The good sultana would do what the fuck he likes as he's got a bob or two. Please explain yourself. Returning to topic, you do realise when Sean Connery snuffs it your lot will have to take him back for a state funeral. Rod Stewart 'an all.
  8. It's all total horse shit. When you snuff it our fresh corpse should be chucked in the sea to enrich the marine environment and recycle our molecules like what be happening for 4 billion years. I personally would like to be left in the woods and my decomposition studied with cameras filming the foxes and flesh Beatles turning me into new life. But far away from Cheshire mind, lest punkers stumbles across me a defiles my cadaver
  9. Piss poor effort to "ape" punkers, pardon the pun. Copying his 100% predictable, snotty, babyish comments almost word for word is fucking pathetic. You need to up your game, if possible, and start cunting not copying and being a punk & panzy clingon
  10. Your interest in our mutual friend has him cumming into his favourite wank sock, just think on that one pen
  11. p.s. quiet down the docks tonight? jamahl will be most upset so get ready for a combined spit fist roasting and getting the shit knocked out of you, you pathetic, snivelling, toady, cry baby little cunt.
  12. Your constant, cutting put downs are most cruel you heartless cuntbreed. I suggest you post another, up you're own arse nom regarding the fantasy world you've created for yourself to escape the pointless drudgery of your pathetic life. Try golf, Catholic Church, drinking and driving and oiks who don't have a set of lobster forks for a change.
  13. Repeating the mass cuntings handed out to you by all and sundry, but nowhere near as funny, is a very poor show punkly, up your game for fucks sake. You're better than this
  14. Ahh, the golden days of wank mags, found discarded and soiled in every lay-by. It's all to easy now with pornhub and youporn, that reminds me....
  15. Back on topic: with punkers and panzys new found love for each other I suggest a big tub of marge on hand for when you meet up. For the cheese a cucumber sandwiches of course. If pen decides to join in and make it a ménage a trois better get two tubs to lube up her leathery old flaps
  16. Alright, drop dead in 10 years. Instantly. Does that work for you, pedantic wanker?
  17. Please fuck off, you're in the wrong place. Go and join the Govan branch of the wet pants society or grow a pair and start cunting the things that make your piss boil
  18. Cuntbreeds the lot of 'em. I'm already laughing at the diabolical health problems that'll be unearthed from these things in years to come. Hopefully infertility from the day you start and instant death in about 10 years.
  19. Defiantly a problem up north of the Antonine, namely you.
  20. Surely this nom should be edited to labour gaylords? Especially if we're including lord Mandy or Keith "gobble my vas deferens" vaz. If any of you cunts can suggest some more leftie jobby jousters it should have the corners man love addicts frothing at the japs eye (Cor Bin is not allowed as he was turned gay after witnessing abbots gaping flaps)
  21. Not really panz, it just tripped off the tongue just like punkers rotted jizz will dribble off yours when he's spent. Kill yourself now to avoid the horror
  22. Extreme gayness has taken over this nom. When you 2 arrange to meet up are you going to toss a coin for who takes it up the shitter first? Word of warring panz-if punkers pimp, jamahl umbongo, gets wind of this you'll have to pay for using his goods. A quick search down the sofa should fetch up the necessary funds and don't forget to double bag as he's more than likely got the same arse rotting bummers disease as Reggie Dwite. In the spirit of fairness I'll have to extend the warnings to you too punkers old bean- old pansy is the fragile type so try not to enter into conversation which might provoke debate as he's liable to burst into tears and run to his room to admire his Jeremy Cor Bin scrap book if he's asked to offer an opinion. Oh and good luck lifting him out of his mobility scooter for the consummation of your relationship. Pair of Walter Mitty cuntbreeds
  23. Pissflaps and dangleberries! Curse this double posting!
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