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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. To wash down one of old quinces freshly pinched shites I presume?
  2. Please don't rest in peace Del Boy, you vile cunt
  3. Pass the brown sauce! What japery, chortle chortle!
  4. I have noticed most adds at the moment when featuring a couple, it's of mixed race, thus representing the 0.005% of couples in the UK.
  5. Firstly, you'd have defiantly been burgled, of the turd variety if was members of punkers "golf club" ( burnt out Nissan etc etc). I doubt it was though, unless you woke up with a soiled jonny hanging out yer arse, a groggy head and a nasty case of stubble rash on your back. I suppose it was worth it though if it was a good quiche.
  6. Stubby Pecker


    Last time I went to ASDA it was like the United Nations; swarthy, dwarfish Eastern European types with their extended family/tribe of 30 odd jabbering away and eying up my kids to steal and sell, and all in black, post box eyed women (they must have been ninjas). I'll get it from the neighbours thanks and can send you a jar it you like, promise not to spunk in it, honest.
  7. Stubby Pecker


    Nothing wrong with keeping bees you twat, everyone likes honey, winny the pooh for example
  8. Our whore jossie wails
  9. I'll hold him down for you whilst you hack off his limbs, the fucking cunt
  10. Stubby Pecker


    Punkers taking another beating, again. A beating round the arsehole later of course and probably one of another kind from jamahl mtbele if the takings aren't good enough
  11. As does your northern gibberish about the Bangladeshis you keep locked in your shed with the venomous spiders you fucking bellend.
  12. Stubby Pecker

    Pure Crap

    I wouldn't want the tall one with the big nose near my kids, or anyone else's......
  13. One kid here sees 'brown Jamal" most nights to handover £17.56, on a good night, lest at bitch slapping gets handed down, or worse (involves fisting butter)
  14. This is how the mrs insists I give her her morning shower
  15. Stubby Pecker


    I know exactly what punkers game it, I just enjoy insinuating he's a batty man every time he spouts he repeated shite-because he is a batty man!
  16. Gandhi's revenge is complete. The only thing more disgusting to exit a mans arsehole was when Punkapes butt plug was removed after a long weekend as the man whore of the Brighton invitation LBGT society after they'd received a fresh consignment of Viagra, poppers and fisting butter.
  17. Stubby Pecker


    Not sure, but you're defiantly a mate of punkape a Walter Mitty, retarded character who's on repeat mode and spends most of his time in the cooler due to his childish lack of restraint. To me this says a lot about you, you scabby cunted, piss soaked non entity
  18. Only if she puts on a false beard, glues some freshly trimmed pubes around her arsehole and gets her axe wound stitched up. Punkers would do her then, and only then
  19. Stubby Pecker

    Dave's Shed

    Right, you're fucking for it! And don't think I've forgotten about you either pen, you Vichy slag!
  20. Don't let the niceties of this site hold you back from expressing your opinions old bean, say what you mean for Christs sake
  21. Stubby Pecker

    Dave's Shed

    Punkers land rover shaped abode is piss shit and spunk soaked so won't burn easily-best to drag him out, douse him in petrol and chuck a match on the cunt. His countryside residence-burnt out Nissan which doubles as a pretent golf club and real feltching club, parked in a quaint corner of a Cheshire landfill site-has had all it's flammable bits torched a long time ago.
  22. Stubby Pecker


    It seems some cunts are/where allowed to get away with that shit on a regular basis. On my arrival, frank went through his repertoire of kill yourself, drink bleach etc for at least my first month of posts. Is it maybe because the frank character is the mods and bring him out occasionally to generate traffic?
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