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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. I think his initial post was trying to out rat you, ratters. Imitation is the best form of flattery they say but this wank is devoid of japery.
  2. Brooks adrenaline, best running shoe ever made. New balance and saucony are great too. Go to a decent, independent shop and they'll put you on a treadmill and assess your running style and the member of staff, always a runner, will recommend a style of shoe.
  3. Jesus Christ on a cunting bike, this is shite, racist biscuit thread it is not.
  4. All tigers, wildlife in general and dusky skinned chaps are breathing a sigh of relief this old cunt has hung up the hunting rifles. Hopefully he'll do what the prince of Nepal did and gun down the other inbreed, swan eating fuckers before he pegs it.
  5. Well, I think we've all learnt several important lessons here. Firstly, this nom is total wank, incompressible shite is the norm for pansy but never a nom as he likes to tag on to others and turn the threads into a constant, boring tit for tat abuse. What the fuck it's about, fuck knows, probably egged on to making a nom by punters, me included, to sort his shit out. I agree with others he actually made some good and pointed comments a day ago partly restoring some faith in the corner for a reasonable but funny debate, but this shite, fuck me. Surely he knew the responses he'd get, he can't be that bloody thick.
  6. The nation has just voted to leave the EU, on the back of some lies from the leave campaign, by a very slender margin. I'd put my nuts on the line and say if we had a vote on whether paedos, violent rapists and murders should be hung, or at the very least made to suffer for the rest of their lives, the yes vote would be more that 55%
  7. Are you purposely trying to get the corner frothing at the areshole? Rules applied to sentencing are all well and good but I suspect 99% of cunts will see this as extremely an lenient sentence for someone in a position of trust and would rightly question the judges reasoning for not being much, much harsher. It's reasonable to suggest that he represents a serious danger to children and should be kept well away from the public. Or maybe the judge thought "I'll give this cunt a short jail term and when he gets out someone will do the real job of punishment". But I doubt it. What example does this set for a similar case? Shall I report it with a good chance his "good character" will ensure a slap on the wrist and don't do it again naughty boy or shall I go round to see him at 3am and make absolutely certain he can't harm a child and destroy a family?
  8. Bubba is finished. His spiteful, humourless crap doesn't work now decs and Quincy aren't here to hold his hand, plus he's very busy closing out some massive business deal. After the terry tibbs incident, decs won't be back unless he can accept a massive cunting, the tit.
  9. Good darts ding, seems a slap on the wrist is enough to maintain the status quo of religions essentially being a safe haven for paedos ie what they were invented for. Or maybe him and the judge are both masons-same fucking thing, bunch of weirdos
  10. God, of course forgives all sins, ehh punkers? And I was about to give a like to your last running man post, you rotten cunt.
  11. All murders, paedos, rapists and violent cunts should be liquidated with extreme speed. These sub humans are a blight on our species and cause untold suffering to their victims all because they're to lazy, thick or ignorant to tow the line and behave in a civilised manner. If you behave like a total cunt then all the benefits our society affords should be forfeited and you should forced to fend for yourself and wear a bright pink onesy with "I'm a cunt" written on it, or better still, shot. I've got no sympathy for these vile cunts because everyone knows wrong from right. I'm firing up the woodchipper right now!
  12. Chortle, haven't any of you cuntbreeds suggested that our garlic chomping, Vichy cunt friend pokes French beans up his japs eye? It seems the most logical and childish come back.
  13. Stubby Pecker

    Pure Crap

    Panzy wanky; 100% of what you post here is utter drivel. A constant bickering with other members distracting from the important job of cunting and cunting each other, properly to make each other laugh, sorry laff. Nothing even resembling this is ever forthcoming from you and your purpose seems only to wind up simple minded fools. Approx 25% of site traffic is you and minge behaving like total cunts. Give it a rest, that goes for you too minge-start making a decent contribution or piss off
  14. You silver tongued old devil mon cunt and they say romance is dead. Is that what you tell all your victims? Learning to speak dog paid off there didn't it.
  15. Stubby Pecker


    We haven't forgotten your front lawn scatting antics, you dirty fucker. Neither has withers- he stubbed his toe on the cunt after a particularly hard froggy frost. Either that or one the unexploded bombs my grampy dropped in a bid to oust the withers families German friends
  16. Stubby Pecker

    Dave's Shed

    Decs had a water birth- in the local fen, using his webbed feet to swim with the sticklebacks before the midwife could give him a good slap
  17. Stubby Pecker

    Dave's Shed

    Do you really think he gives a fuck? He's a vindictive cunt by all accounts so it'll come out when his enemies in the government are at their most vulnerable, and boris deserves it
  18. Frau rats goose steps in her thigh high boots and riding crop puts pay to any gayness in ratty towers
  19. Ha ha ha! I didn't half chuckle apeloid. It's not the only time old punkers has been caught with his pants down mind, always on purpose, however.
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