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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Stubby Pecker

    Mrs McCann

    Correct. Either that or she got out of bed and went for a stroll on her own and got picked up that way, but she must have shut the door behind her if that was the case. We'll never know the truth nor will the parents who will never forgive their utterly shit parenting
  2. Great come back bubba, I don't know how we've all coped without you. Can you lend me a tenner?
  3. Red Sea pedestrian or four by two
  4. Back on thread; you've got a modern car punkers, in fact 2! Your burnt out Nissan where you "golf" and suck off horse hung Nigerian immigrants for a fiver a time is only 25 years old and your cardboard range rover is freshly constructed from the leftovers round the back off PC world where you also take it up the shitter, you filthy little cunt
  5. The Russian cops won't lift a finger- check out the BBC documentary on their hooligan gangs waiting for the England fans to arrive. There will be death and carnage
  6. If adolf had listened to his generals the Hun could have defeated the Russians and there would be a lot fewer salvs in the world without the need for zyklon-b
  7. I can't wait till "our" footie yobs rock up in Russia and get the living shit kicked out of them by organised, nazi gangs who've been planning this for 4 years. Anyone who takes their family over there to enjoy a football festival are utter cunts and will see the true nature of Russians: arrogant, fat necked, brutal cunts who think their shitty repressive country still means something. Take away the nukes they'd be a peasant land of inbreads
  8. I suggest with a vile comment like that, you yourself should be run over repeatedly by said fiat until you have to spend the rest of your wretched life paralysed, you think cunt. That way you can report back to the corner as to it suitability for those less fortunate than yourself. Dickhead.
  9. Epoxy resin in your mouth? Surely you're getting this mixed up with the pathetic dribble of spunk that punkers glops on to your tongue of an evening? "I try to imagine the predator's stinking breath, His body against mine, the foulness when he's spent" Stubbs Pecker
  10. For a black waiter....
  11. Stubby Pecker


    "Milking me goat"? This is a blatant euphemism for wanking. Please explain yourself you dirty fucker! I agree though, bamboo is a cunt in the garden, but a great resource in the jungle if your got a sharp, heavy parang or machete
  12. Pints of spunk and a fresh score of poppers more like. You go with him 'an all, pair of stool stabbers
  13. Stool pigeon sounds like something horrible, one for Quincy perhaps. Good to see you've got a new pimp. This Omar chap can't be as bigger cunt as jamahl and you might get more that a fiver a time for sucking off 20 blokes!
  14. Without the punctuation, I almost died of asphyxiation reading that. Please, please try harder with this and grammar in general and to be a massive cunt. Yes, pasta, running shoes and fat bike tyres annoy you but they're not cunts like say, football, hipsters or Michael Gove, are they? It's subjects like these which generate some first class cunting by some of the more readable members here. Read captain cunts last post on Phil the Greek for example, had me laughing out loud. Otherwise cunts will just slag you off constantly with "inadequate gibbering populist shite" thus perpetuating this constant, childish bickering that dominates every thread you join. Those who do this, should know better (and you fucking should to for winding them up because it's too easy and predictable) but can't help themselves. The mods don't do anything about it so it wastes pages and pages of this site and wastes everybody's time trawling through it to find some relevant and funny posts.
  15. Funniest thing on the corner for a least 3 months Bravo skipper
  16. Fascinating and pure shite, but a least you're trying
  17. Never mind old fruit, tomorrow's post lobotomy treatment should fix it. What is it this week, more electro shocks or Thorazine suppository?
  18. You wanna speak to punkers about that old bean. The £3.47 down the sofa will be plenty and enough for a bag of chips on the way home.
  19. You have much to learn panzy, this is pure shite, not even pen post bed bath and overdosing on cough sweets could do worse
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