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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. This must be torture for a vile cunt like Francis, not being able to chip in with his original kill yourself quips. If your reading this franky, fuck off and die
  2. Shit, I bet your arsehole took some time to recover after 5 hours worth
  3. They're called icicles, dopey. Whilst I'm here, if Jesus was a cricketer what role would he take in the team? Cunning spinner or solid, soporific opening bat?
  4. Frank made a fleeting visit a while back, just logged on no vile posts thank fuck. I thought the cunt was dead after I ran him over with a unimog and buried is rotting corpse under my patio but it seems all Punkapes spunk injections over the years have rendered his filthy fucking life hard to snuff out. Woodchipper and acid next time.
  5. Punkape likes this, for obvious reasons...
  6. Id probably smash her back doors in first pansy baby, being froggie that's expected over there, hubby would probably like to watch. If you get the chance it could help your lot stay in the EU and old macca might have a go on the sturge to seal the deal
  7. Your romantic prose is approaching drews level Gongers. I bet those cloggie birds are gushing at the gusset when a silver tongued devil like you gets going
  8. Once a shit stirrer, alway a shit stirrer. In your absence RK and withers have become close. The corner is a fickle place.
  9. Crush about 5 cloves of garlic in 'em serve on a baguette with a shitty overpriced bottle of wine followed by using the street as a public lavatory, et voila!
  10. Stubby Pecker

    Mrs McCann

    You silver tongued devil. With such beautiful use of the English language the birds knickers must fly off when you open yer mouth. I am, however, struggling with the concept of a cheesy phlegm deposit. Maybe something this could help with?
  11. How very dare you, you racist cunt! At least provide a selection of multi ethnic choices. I live within sight of Wales and wouldn't want the closest thing we've got here to diversity to be offset by your old world hegemony. Free nelson Mandela!
  12. What else have you got? I've got nothing! Liar! what’s in your toolbox? Liar, you’ve got antifreeze! You know you should never mix your drinks!
  13. You're blithering again Eric, please go back to sniffing bostick with swarfega chasers, there's a good chap
  14. Thankfully I've escaped this curse just pronouncing my R's "correctly". Every cunt I meet though speaks like a retard, muck like you Sorry to hear your spunk drought, more celery required. Lance Armstrong won 7 Tour de France with only only ball and hitler, well, he did the whole of Europe and a bit more so there's hope for you only bean. These are the only uni ballers I can think of at short notice and it didn't end great for either so don't necessarily use these cunts as inspiration for single bollock greatness. Punkers lungs are glop free as not a drop is wasted. If he farts, however, think Yosemite Sam blasting wall paper paste out of his 12 bore
  15. And you'd fucking know would you? Next you'll be making some bullshit claim of encyclopaedic knowledge of the corner. Hold on.....
  16. I need to finish off the front fence next weekend and I've run out of postcrete. Could abstain this week and pop round Saturday? Two posts equals a bollock each and if it's warm it should go off overnight.
  17. That's more like it panzy, you useless cunt. I've got high hopes for you boy, don't let me down like that sack of shit Quincy did....
  18. Never mind that scrote old haricot vert, while celebrating the frogs great efforts in WWII in Paris, your awesome new leader is about to get blown up along with 100s of others by a dirty bomb thanks to your great border controls and 3rd generation Algerian bro's. Maquis indeed
  19. Steady on wolf, whatever theory you come up with for the fuck up that was WW2, her ladyship will blow panzerfaust sized holes in it. The fact that there's been 100s of books written on the nazis, their coffers and why war was an inevitability suggests there are going to be differences of opinion. You'll of course be wrong as our offa's dyke dwelling overlord will soon point out but at least this will be a distraction to her for not dealing with the pages of pointless, mothersnet style drivel the non-cunting pansywanker clogs this site up with.
  20. Welcome new member, here's panzy, well done if you can bare a dozen of his rubbish posts. Pathetic.
  21. If there is a nano gram of decency in your core you will desist immediately! This site is clogged by your constant bickering with every cunt and his dog. What new members are going to join and contribute to the humour and japes if they have to troll through pages of your utter drivel? If the mods had half a pube on their ball bag/mons pubis you'd get a slap on the wrist for being a useless cunt. Punkape may be a dog turd in human skin but at least he's funny 1% of the time and a good sport (golf, cock sucking, arse rape etc)
  22. Stubby Pecker

    Mrs McCann

    No, they left it unlocked so they could pop in and check on them without making a noise, fuck know what they told the police, the whole thing in fucked. There is no way we'd leave our kids alone, anywhere. Any parent who doesn't do the same and ensure their kids safety at all times to the best of their ability is a selfish cunt.
  23. For a nano second he was frothing at the arsehole and actually joined in the game of cunting. Now he likes to rest punkers nut sack on his chin and churn out his usual indecipherable gibberish. He really is a cuntbreed of the highest order and the antithesis of what this site is about.
  24. It's been great thanks, you should spend the next couple of hours reading the great stuff from pansy bollocks, the useless, non cunting cum stain. That is if you like tit for tat pointless school "humour" devoid of wit. When you say away, surely you mean treatment for you "tertiary" AIDS?
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