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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. I made baked spuds, beans and cheese for the stubblets the other night when mrs pecker was having her weekly Botox/liposuction combo. One of said spuds looked like tony benn and the other cunt chairman Mao (it was going a bit yellow). Ever since then they little fuckers have been lecturing me about the working class struggle and wearing those daft cor-bin hats. If they start insisting on watching Diane Abbotts meandering waffle instead of cbebees it's straight down the workhouse for 'em
  2. Never mind this shite, are you watching BBC 4 now? Ramones, Johnny Cash, bo diddly......
  3. Cloggie totty daphne decker, Gongers would know
  4. This nom is utter fucking shite. Kick yourself in the nuts immediately 'eavens. Black & Decker are cunts
  5. Lazy wops with mafioso connections and a awful choice of sides, initially, in the war. Very nice chianti though
  6. He's a scouser and all, so double cuntbreed
  7. At least the tam o shanter you stole from mr mcgregors scarecrow will keep your bonce dry
  8. Good thinking noakesy. I'm a commited conservationist and the main reason for my fatty shredding plan is the huge boost to marine biodiversity, although I'd avoid north sea cod for a while.
  9. Fingers crossed for some acid rain and cricket ball sized hailstones falling on you and your Caledonian, third world wasteland then!
  10. That's why the cunts are all over here getting sucked off by punkape!
  11. When Scotland finally gets independence from English oppression, I vote you 2 cunts as ambassadors, but only if you carry on like this
  12. Once cunts attain a certain level of blobby-ness they should be burnt in power stations or frozen and fed through a wood chipper at sea. I'd vote for any politician who had this in there manifesto
  13. No, tribute act called the backdoor boys
  14. Agreed, biking into it is a cunt. My route home is fairly sheltered through the forest and the wind usually is behind me as we mostly get westerly but recently is been a battle royal
  15. He'll be tuning into Eurovision this weekend for the festival of the gays
  16. Poor show panzy. Derailing a thread with your personal vendetta is so last year. Please desist and save your bile for estate agents for they are the most cuntish of cunts
  17. For your decerning catholic for when you really need get out a rape some children in a hurry. Please crash in a ball of fire into the Catholic Church during mass you fucking evil cunts
  18. And all the beaches in Brighton you raging homosexual
  19. Or just the dead corpses of school kids mowed down by lazy fuckers who can't stick to the speed limit in a 30 zone. This boils my piss
  20. I donated all my scat mags to charity, apparently they went to a chap called Quincy who's detained at her majesty's (roops) pleasure
  21. You're still here, I had you pegged for a spell in the cooler for sure!
  22. It's all well and good to criticise this trend unless it's done with panache. Frank, however, should to told to die at every opportunity. A slow and painful one hopefully.
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