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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Stubby Pecker


    Punkers does a lot of things he shouldn't. Luckily, as a catholic all he has to do is say sorry and all is forgiven. But we all know this is crap and the past will always catch you up. Have you seen the film Sleepers?
  2. Stubby Pecker


    I read that he was taken into the field, in the Baltic states I think, to observe the SS's efficient killing techniques like sardine canning to pack as many bodies into the pits as possible. He couldn't take to blood and killing so fucked off. Back to Brady, I'd have tortured him the same and for the same length of time as all his victims and when he was pleading for death, stop and leave him to rot but keeping him alive. This would be his monthly treat
  3. Stubby Pecker


    Actually you think cunt, when Himmler saw 100s of Jews being shot and dumper in a mass grave one by one the cunt couldn't watch and was almost sick. Next time get you're facts right you pig shit thick, horse cock sucking, rent boy working for a pension, feltching world champ, scat eating cunt.
  4. Stubby Pecker


    2nd post in this thread you fucking horrible cunt. Why don't you fuck off for good or maybe the useless fucking admin twats can grow a pair and ensure this is kept as a semi adult debate?
  5. Yes, and this is after she's taken her make up off!
  6. Yes, I insist the marmites have their throats slit humanely before chucked, still twitching, into a vat and rendered down into black goo
  7. You've more chance of finding the ivory billed woodpecker than a stack of jazz mags in a lay bye these days. At best it's an old copy of the screw fix direct catalog and don't do it for me
  8. I think you need to put this question in writing to Phil the Greek, after all he is an alien reptile and he's got plenty of time on his hands these days
  9. Punkers knocks one out every six or severn hours. That photo of Tom Daley is getting pretty tatty by now.
  10. Would that be tertiary AIDS you fucking thick cunt? The cooler is calling, you just can't help yourself. p.s. You suck off men for money, horses for fun, you dirty little shit stabbing cry baby
  11. Mama said knock you out! Thought it was Laurie Lee but AE Houseman
  12. Wistful romantic prose from one the corners stalwarts, who heroically took one for the team to send punkers down for a stretch in the cooler? Be worried. On the plus side, if he does snuff it I've got shitloads of firewood up the garden so we could torch him for a good send off. Viking style down the Clyde or off Ardnamurchan point?
  13. Alas, those days are but a faded memory...
  14. The further east you go in the shire, into the Cotswolds, the more sparkling clean new 4x4s you see (fucking Porsche 4x4 for fucks sake you cunts). Cunts. The Stroud valleys of my childhood (up to 35 years of age) are now yuppie infested cunt havens full of middle aged white women with dreadlocks who knit there own yogurt out of their pubes. Punkers would fit in well there; ultra rich married men, oozing latent homosexuality, eager to sneak away from their hideous wife's for some rent boy rendezvous down a country lane. Even if he charged his usual £3.50 a time he'd make a killing, the dirty feltching little poof.
  15. Fuck off you jobbie jousting, Walter Mitty one trick pony cuntbreed!
  16. Dairylea and marmite on toast is the dogs. A pint of cum from the latest batch of AIDS riddled illegals down the docks, however, is not you dirty man whore. Get fucked you cunt.
  17. Yes, but some echelons do it with impunity
  18. Fuck off, I've just has a croissant for breakfast. With dairylea on it.
  19. Your summation that paedos inhabit the top echelons of our society are correct. These dirty cunts must seem to think fucking children is normal when they've all got enough money to afford the best ho's out there. Burn them all!
  20. I think you'll find its folks "cumming in his anus"
  21. Bollocks. Agreed, these cunts got away with horrible abuse under the noses of social services but to suggest this abuse and even attitude towards white girls is endemic in the Pakistani community is far fetched indeed, the stuff of rabid, foaming at the mouth pissed daily mail readers. These cases received plenty of coverage and the perpetrators are now banged up, hopefully getting back scuttled as we speak. Yes, much needs to be done to ensure all members of society respect and cherish "British" values of fair play, respect for all races and genders etc. but to think these high profile offenders are the only sectors of society who indulge is these awful crimes is naive. These cunts were easy to catch, eventually, and were bang to rights but other cunts such as politicians, the left hand shakers and the inbreed aristocracy that still runs this place have been and will keep doing forever. My kids will never go to church and every person who'll have contact with them is scrutinised and on my radar.
  22. Actually it went downhill when oasis came on and never really recovered, but I digress...
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