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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Yes of course I did. I gave him a picture of you and described the deviant shit you and the priests get up to with some of the move vulnerable members of the congregation. It turned his stomach.
  2. Stubby Pecker


    Heaven and hell are human constructs to keep weak minded fools in check. I'm glad I'm not you, you pathetic little cunt. Tell us about the cub scouts group you tried to join as a leader but couldn't get in and the reasons for this?
  3. Snitching little shit who can't not tell tales out of school. Tell me, when you've finished wanking off the priest after confession do you both reminisce about the choir boy spit roasting games of your youth? p.s. you're a grassing little cunt, the worst kind of cry baby imaginable. This site is so much better when you're banned which is imminent. Eat shit and die cuntbrain
  4. Silence your gibbering mouth panzy bollocks!
  5. Stubby Pecker


    If there was any justice, Brady would have got plenty of "rides" in prison by a nightly arse fucking by a series of increasingly sadistic cell mates. Of course for punkers this is a daily occurrence he calls work, the dirty little fucker
  6. How long did it take the priest to fill your lungs with his vile spunk last night?
  7. Stubby Pecker


    Good fishing punkers. All Catholics should be burnt at the stake thus halving paedophilia in a stroke. When they do you male prostitution in the NW will take a dive too For fishing read Fisting
  8. Stubby Pecker


    Fuck off you raging sausager
  9. Stubby Pecker


    Fucking kill yourself cunt for brains
  10. Fucking kill yourself now, preferably by drinking bleach and spending a good hour in agony as you pray to a non existent god.
  11. Unoriginal rubbish... more like the poor cunts just got an eyeful of your gaping bum hole before jamahl stuffs him up there, cameras rolling, you dirty little cunt.
  12. Baby spoonbilled sandpiper = cute Or my favourite the wolverine the hardest cunt on the planet
  13. Depends if he's got £3.50
  14. Dr Umbopa Mugabe from Kwazulubongo is a talented surgeon and a good friend of mine. A classy stroke player with more than useful left arm spin that has helped our side out on more than one occasion. He does, however, have some serious family problems. His 2 sons, Jamahl Umbongo and Winston Bongobongoland, have gone off the rails. Last I heard they'd moved to Cheshire where they're involved with human trafficking and male prostitution using some poor wretch they call "punkape" to perform unspeakable acts of sexual depravity on clients for a pittance. I know this because one day, he says, they bought this poor fellow to see him and have his gapping arsehole stitched up as customers were complaining of extreme slackness here, not to mention the blood and shit and congealed spunk leakage
  15. Well you better start praying to your sky fair that any alien invaders aren't Muslims or we're all fucked
  16. Punkers is no stranger to the black ones especially the thumb as it's stuck up his arse when he gobs off jamahl
  17. Well all had our suspicions and he does disappear from time to time, just sayin like
  18. Drew, why the fuck has the title of this dog turd of a nom got a series of question marks after it? Are you trying to say you need confirmation from a bunch of cunts here, that this is wrong? Have you been hanging out with, or hanging out of, punkers?
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