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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. I'm sure the folks of Manchester will be heartened by the comments of grinning, faux cockney, tub of lard cuntbreed.
  2. Panzys love machine. Great to grab a recently drugged victim, bundle them is for a good smashing of the back doors, old bean?
  3. You do realise many of your Nigerian clients are Muslims? Tertiary AIDS spreads you know
  4. I'm not suggesting rounding up all Muslims and breaking out the zyklon B you bell end! I don't know the solution to destroying this hateful ideology but rounding up all the suspects, those on watch lists, and there are 1000s, is a start. Why do young Muslim men get drawn to this? A closed community, like a part of Pakistan in another country, looking out at all us whiteys and other shades all having fun, drinking, shagging etc. for these poor cunts it's no booze, drugs, birds or wanking. They're not even supposed to look at women of a certain age, unless they're "available" white meat like in Rochdale. No wonder they're angry having all natural instincts suppressed. We need a 12 month ban on all immigration from Muslim country's giving us time to sort our own house out. Lock up all the suspects and make it perfectly clear anyone subscribing to ISIS thinking won't just be fucked off for some other poor cunts to deal with and probably come back for revenge, but dealt with here, ideally shot, but in reality locked away from normal people. Let's annex another bit of the world that's a long way away and put them there.
  5. The price way pay for living in a tolerant, liberal society. How would they deal with this kind of thing in Russia or China? Make it very uncomfortable for these cunts at best. At worst round up one in 10 and brutalise them to make it 100% clear they're not welcome anymore so they can go back to their communities with their broken teeth and missing toe nails to spread the word. Of course we can't do this here. The lefties are up in arms when these cunts are spied on. Everyone should follow the same rules in the UK if you don't want to fuck off, if you get caught not towing the line you will get fucked off.
  6. She's a bit saucy I agree. Also she needs to eat some food the skinny arse whore. No wonder 12 year olds want to be stick thin, have tats on their necks and get impregnated be several black men
  7. For gods sake pansy, I appeal to the one shred of decency that you may have- desist this utter shite, it's increasingly tiresome to say the least. There's been some first class cunting of late but your continuing childish spat with minge is not what this place is about. We're all tired of it. Please behave like a grown up for some of the time
  8. Which power tool from the black and decker range do you use to trim your nose and ear hair?
  9. I'd quite happily watch some women's tennis, obviously not the Williams bruthas. Maybe this... Eugenie Bouchard
  10. Stubby Pecker


    Or the radio station that read out a listeners email: I once wrote to jim'll fix it and he let me milk a cow in his dressing room, blind folded
  11. I didn't know you frequented the Golden Arches panzy?
  12. Punkape is now laying unconscious in a pool of spunk. And shit. Spermy ones as well.
  13. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    Yeah stay, ming and Eric want to embark on a triple bromance with you the meat in the man-sandwich! Alf can't even bring himself to remind you where your bleach is so he might join in too. It goes without saying, punkape wants to meet you too most likely to defile your corpse at his golf club ( burnt out Nissan parked on a landfill site )
  14. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    And if you can decipher this rambling gibberish from the depths of Glasgow's third world favelas then you've passed the test.
  15. Shut your blithering gobshite of a mouth mcpanzywanker! Stubby baby x
  16. Crumpet obsessed sheep who played like at a less noxious version of rat. Thick as shit
  17. Tennis is the gayest sort bar possibly interracial fisting with punkape. Come on Tim!
  18. You forgot AIDs riddled. The tertiary kind.
  19. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    Did you smash her back doors in as well? Being called a massive cunt here is a privilege. The offers of bleach and claw hammers are a thing of the past. I'm sure punkers will give you a cordial greeting. He is a massive bender, however.
  20. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    I'm pretty sure these cuntbreeds made my cunts corner woodchipper top 10 nom a while back. Theyd count as one of course leaving 9 other shits to face the wiring blades, but I'd do 'em head first because if they went in the other way they'd still be grinning their Geordie bollocks till the last second
  21. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    Ok you two, take your respective dicks out of each other's mouths, anyway you should be doing penance for your inability to kill any and dec when you had the chance. One good blow would do for the little fucker, the other cunt, however, would have required some kind a heavy, sharp weapon. Got any?
  22. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    Go easy on Neil, it's Sunday night and he's into triple figures with this weekends wanks
  23. You suck off black men for a living
  24. Stubby Pecker

    Ant and Dec

    Firstly, fuck off you massive cunt. Fred is a dead set fucking TV leg-end, bet the dirty cunt goosed vodermans arse when it wasn't as massive as these days, the silly slag. Careful of withers, his ancestors breed happily throughout the early 40s with the Hun overlords but of course like every frog now claim they were the resistance. Back on thread, I want ant and dec dead!
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