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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. It's pointless alf, the cunts in a loop. Next it'll be cretins, tertiary AIDS or god forbid, ANZAC wines next. All that Nigerian spunk sloshing around his system has truely sent him loco
  2. Mouth shiteing not withstanding, I miss the twisted little cunt as he called out some of the real muppets here. On the toilet and bowl movement thread I suggested I'd had a stubborn flusher, his response was "spunk floats, you're fucked" RIP cockfingers
  3. I'll give you a fiver if you let me shit in your mouth
  4. Stubby Pecker


    I've always had faith in you minje and still feel you go a long way
  5. Stubby Pecker


    I didn't know you could get it over the interweb, but if that's the case you and punkers might have effected as all.
  6. Stubby Pecker


    Actually panzy, as a lad these were places to indulge my love of herpetology
  7. Stubby Pecker


    You pair of fucking shirt lifters! When's the wedding?
  8. I am. When the god bothering kiddie fiddler was saying his pretend, made up little bit we had to denounce satin and all his little pixies. I however, was praising the devil and the torture these priests will all receive when their awful sins are revealed. Gods love indeed...
  9. I mentioned this in a nom a while back, a cunts charter if you like: tow the line and benefit from the freedoms the UK provides or be kicked in the balls/cunt and deported to a shit hole. This goes for every UK citizen no mater what colour or sky fairy they believe in. As for those cunts under surveillance, I agree, round them up and treat them as the enemy, send them to ISIS with satellite tracked implants, give them a day or 2 to meet their bro's them unleash the cruise missiles. I love you punkers and you can suck me off any time
  10. I agree with your sentiments on the Catholic Church. We went to a christening where he was a paddy, she was English and CofE and the way she and her family were treated and excluded by the cunt of a priest was disgraceful. They're divorced now and the priest is probably still fucking small boys.
  11. I've always thought this and if things keep going the way they are an attack of similar magnitude is almost inevitable. What would be done about it? Fuck all just lots of candle lit vigils and we won't let them win crap whilst evil cunts plot the murder of play school children or the bombing of a maternity hospital. All these cunts on watch lists, approx 3000, and many more former persons of interest should be rounded up and all locked up, for good. That way the risk is reduced and hopefully they'll start killing each other. It'll show these cunts we've had enough and won't tolerate this shit. But of course it won't happen, our society and leaders are too fucking weak
  12. Do you really think Islam considers itself above criticism? It certainly seems there's an aggressive and disprortionate reaction when folks draw cartoons and take the piss. I feel that the religion is so controlling of its subjects that it's taboo to question it's dogma thus keeping the masses in check and preserving the status quo-power and money concentrated at the top. If there's rampant corruption and child abuse in open institutions like the CofE and the Catholic Church the mind boggles as to what goes on in their unquestionable, unregulated secret club.
  13. Well you, baws and tsd need to fucking sort the bellend out then! I suggest tracking him down and stoning him to death with stale macaroni pies
  14. Bollocks, she's a professional athlete who trains every day, no airbrush needed unless it's to give her bigger curves. Those legs, arse and arms are muscle. Personal trainer indeed...
  15. Your prose, obvious lack of decent schooling, inability to use English.....
  16. Bollocks pansy, you'd smash the back doors off a slightly warm corpse given half the chance. Shes a professional athelite hence the absence of fat unlike the tennis stars of yesteryear
  17. Your compassion for the horse is admirable but you can't fool us all, you only want to know if it's ok so you can suck its dick lol lol fuck off cuntbreed!
  18. Stubby Pecker


    I know you don't drink but try bleach and let us know how you get on, or not as the case may be
  19. How very dare you, rick has these plus one in his foreskin in the likeness of tony benn
  20. Any cunt here who hasn't a like for that photo is a died in the wool, shit stabbing poofter and no mistake. Just sayin' I'd drink her piss and use her shit for toothpaste
  21. Fucking rise above it man! You skirt wearing, haggis eating cunt!
  22. Set of golf clubs, crusty white stain on the chin....
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