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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Stubby Pecker

    The Beetles

    Nuts on the chin more like it. (and black sausage down the throat)
  2. I'd bet on you being 28, still living with your mam, never had a girlfriend, too fat to waddle round the golf course or even have a wank. I also bet that your arsehole was repeatedly raped at some point in your life, which you enjoyed, but now no self respecting closet homo thug would even entertain this hence the reason you're a total cunt bordering on retard. Do us a favour and walk into your local mosque with bacon strapped to your body, call them all cunts so we can have some ordinary British Muslim heros when they hack you to death, piss on your twitching corpse and set you on fire. fuck off lol lol!
  3. Stubby Pecker

    The Beetles

    Up your game, you're taking a beating from all and sundry, including a newbie. If that's all you've got then I'd say you're past it so either fuck off for good or kill yourself publicly. Your last brutal arse rape come spit fist roasting session at the hands of your west African pimps has destroyed your bowels so much the shit is now spouting from your mouth constantly.
  4. It's pronounced "cholfurd" or used to be before the district became infested with lundon twats
  5. You'll find out when the ragging arse bandit gets out of the cooler. He will, however, try to queer you up and never under any circumstance take him up on a game of golf-it's not what it seems unless you like hanging out in a burnt out Nissan entertaining a Nigerian arse rape gang
  6. Stubby Pecker

    The Point

    Can I point this dog turd of a nom towards the open corner or possibly straight into the bin, along with pen?
  7. Chelten-nam more like, sipping lattes in pittville park whilst reading the guardian and avoiding poodle turds
  8. Stubby Pecker

    Low Bridges

    In the spirit of the corner, welcome you utter cuntbreed- go fuck yourself! I'll hold fire on the drink beach and kill yourself, the traditional greeting, until I can ascertain the cut of your jib, however, you've already surpassed some of the wankstains here already in terms of humour, see welsh cunts putrid output
  9. Great work dingo, you're the pride of Lancashire!
  10. Your new guise of humourless self deprecation is making me gag already. If I had to choose, I'd reluctantly prefer your previous incarnation of a pig shit thick sheep shagger with an obvious retardation and a distinct possibility that you've had a brutal, forced dry bumming more than once. Up your game or fuck off, this time for good.
  11. This has really ruined my day that he's not dead. Just when punkape has been fucked off for another spell in the cooler with that racist bag of shite MC, this fuckstick shows up again. Is there no relief RIP cockfingers
  12. Err, sorry it must be catching. The other thread is so fascinating I can't stop reading it especially as our malevolent overlord roops is such a cleaver cunt. Anyways, Allen is still a cunt and a hypocrite as are most celebs and lundon types who move to the countryside
  13. Utter cunt Keef has put a massive anti Tory sign on his new nightclub in Stroud proving a. he can't spell b. he's a hypocritical cunt. Im sure the "actor and comedian" is really feeling the pinch as there probably wasn't much spare change from his 2 million quid Cotswold pile. Also his multi millionaire daughter can't lend him a few quid as she's probably given it all away to the victims of the British empires slavery from a few 100 years back. One of the chubby cor-bin lookalike's badly scrawled gripes was that's its expensive to buy a house. Surely this is arrogance of the highest order considering the price of houses in the area that him and his cuntish ilk are so keen to snap up and live the good life. Now I'm a native of the district, but 60s bungalows in the village I grew up in sell for £400,000 so they can be knocked down and a 3 story white rendered town house can be built. To say I want him dead in the most horrible drawn out way is an understatement. Boiling piss in the eye sockets and a burning tractor tyre round the ankles would be a good start.
  14. Im visualising ratters with a parsnip (or banana) shoved up his arse as an underfed tiger approaches
  15. Whatever float your boat old man, not my scene but I'm sure there's plenty of similar stuff on the interweb, jolly good luck
  16. Zoos are horrible cunts. Animals belong in the wild. I'd quite happily go to a zoo however, if paedos, dole cheats or welsh were feed to the predators. Imagine Neil Kinnock being ripped to shreds by a pack of ravenous hyenas or pulled in half by two enormous crocs
  17. Here, here and bravo old bean. Punkape is a massive raging bender who also likes sex with men-Black men, several at a time.
  18. In Mexico they're not, who give a fuck about the weather
  19. I've got some calamine lotion for those botty cheeks if you need it cloggie?
  20. Too true baws, I'd happily lock up all the cunts on watch lists and former persons of interest and any cunt who remotely sympathises with ISIS twats, and lock them up for good, preferably in Wales. However, as you said it didn't work in guant so won't work here and the lawyers will see the pound signs on their eyelids when they go to bed. The only solution I can think of is giving them a separate country- build one in the Irish Sea like what they did with the palm thing in Dubai. Then if it goes tits up we can send in Snake Pliskin on a hand glider and a terminal disease
  21. Show yourself Quincy you mother fucker, I've got a turtles head with your name on it!
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