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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. I will never doubt you again bubba and sincerely apologise for cunting you off. You've gone away and upped your game and that's commendable, something that should be noted by the plethora of thickos who inhabit the corner. Admittedly scrote and spunkape are easy targets being a plastic frog, goose shagger and an even more plastic catholic, golfing poof respectively, but their insolence still needs dealing with.
  2. And this from a man who keeps geese as sexual companions. disgusting, indeed.
  3. 'eavens has awoken from his drug induced stupor....
  4. Enjoy your last days in church before they're converted to mosques and you're put to the sword. Well done Mohammed you can stay.
  5. Standing above you, resting his balls on your chin you dirty fucking shit stabber.
  6. We mustn't let there be a mine shaft gap!
  7. We thought you'd died again. Is it a full moon?
  8. When you assume total control of the masses killer, count me in to your master race. I'll instigate a night of the long knifes when you least expect it and these blubber slags will be rendered down on mass with a half chubby ones made to run 12 hours a day until they're fuckable.
  9. It seems you 2 bottomists are intent on kiss 'n cuddles under a scented bocage rose bush. This is to be expected of punkers with his obsession with AIDS and it's spreading, but you withers, I hoped for better. I don't really hold much a grudge against the frogs and with you being a pretend one you can't take it to heart, so please carry on urinating in the street, brushing your shameful record in the war under the carpet and eating slugs with shells. As for Catholicism, they wouldn't have me as I'm too old. If I was 8, however, it would send dozens of priests frothing at the bellend and fighting tooth a nail to anoint me with their holy juices. That's because the Catholic Church is rife with paedophiles and is essentially an organisation set up for this vile practice. And religion is all a made up lie.
  10. You won't get past the jungle you fucking poof-all those African cocks to suck, make it a busman's holiday to pay for your next anal tightening opp.
  11. I had the dubious pleasure of visiting Bristol yesterday and one benefit was the array of pert bottoms on display. Granted its a big student town but it shows these birds have the ability to do some exercise and stay out of greggs. Contrast this to the rural armpit that's Gloucester where I stopped on the way home and it was akin to an elephant seal colony at breeding time: great wobbly buttocks wedged into grotty leggings. There's absolutely no excuse for this, especially when you're in you're 20s with no kids (rare in glos, admittedly). 100 compulsory squats for every female under 40 every fucking day and no pies for the mental well being of all men, except benders like punkape. This is already law in Cheltenham....
  12. All wrong minge, punkers avoids the centre of towns as there's no action for his type. You're more likely to find him wanking off truckies in a layby, getting his turds stuffed into his lower bowels by some thugs in a grotty corner of an empty trading estate or of course frequenting the docks to check out the container units for new, and desperately depraved arrivals. The fucking poof
  13. Punkers always has to keep his legs tightly closed otherwise the coke bottle he uses as a butt plug would fall out unleashing a torrent of rancid spunk
  14. If you could keep them sober long enough I'm sure they'd be very effective. If the massed ranks of ISIS saw a cohort of stumbling, incoherent, pastey grey faced humanoids that smelt of rotting macaroni pies and tennents super they might think it was the zombie apocalypse and blow their brains out. Put them in skirts too to signify the proud highland culture all scotch are descended from and stick the sturge up front, starkers covered in woad a la the Aussie cunt in braveheart and they're routed!
  15. This is actually quite funny. Your time in the cooler has made you a better human being. Keep up the good work
  16. Just because you're a vile rascit bag of shite with essentially no common sense when it comes to knowing what's acceptable and what's not, doesn't mean I can't take the piss out of you for having a blob strop and getting chucked in the cooler where you're only form of entertainment was fingering franks rotting corpse and getting a quick reach around from punkers as an alternative to a high five as you passed him on the way out. That's the Corner.
  17. I agree with this last paragraph apart from deporting the returning ISIS fighters as they would just cause more shit over there or sneak back here or to another easy target in Europe. Unless we can guarantee they'll get banged up for good or better still shot (I believe Asads lot have form here) then we should bang them up here, after some in depth questioning of course, to root out more of their kind. The 3000 odd cunts on watch lists if very, very worrying. Surely the fact that they conform to the same ideology as the recent suicide attacks is enough to say that they should be quarantined from sane people. I honestly think putting these cunts all together on some island somewhere is a great idea then they can do whatever barbaric sharia law stuff they want to. A man made one in the Irish Sea would be my preference with a permanent Royal Navy warship to "protect" them, as British citizens, carrying a full magazine of shells, cruise missiles, napalm and VX gas just in case.
  18. Bubba has taught me well- from his postings I've learned he's a crawly bum lick who relies on other like minded gobshites who think they're clever to back up his humourless tripe. If I ever want to be considered as bigger cunt as him, I'll start copying his shite. I assume you think his cancer nom was acceptable? I'll take most shit on here but that was beyond the pale, I'm sure others were equally disgusted including franks rotting corpse. Punkers is so thick all it took was a few posts and he cut his nose off, again. I didn't have to accuse him of noncery and take one for the team like wise old baws did. Now get back to your geese, the tranquillisers will be starting to wear off and they'll be harder to fuck.
  19. Err, no they don't. I think you'll find it's you who receives the lions share of the abuse and you take a beating every day with the same parrot like responses. All you've got to do is acknowledge you were well out of order posting a nom mocking cancer victims then all will be ok and I can get back to thinking of new scenarios for your arse to be violated by black cocks/fists/forearms. Or do I have to report you again to our all seeing and understanding admin team who'll do precisely fuck all. Again.
  20. "Cowardly, crude, evil and stupid" Sounds like the kind of person who would mock people for being unlucky enough to have cancer. I'm unaware of what "traditional morals" you possess but most people have enough decency not to do the above
  21. Or wanking off Kevin cunting keegan the perm headed poof
  22. How absurd of you to suggest this. I would have thought you'd be all up for euthanasia and be gagging to get a job at such an establish and get first dibbs fucking the corpses you filthy little cunt. I suspect you'll apply to ones specialising in children with the added bonus of looking into the parents eyes and telling them to stop moaning.
  23. Not really in the same league as your ancestors informing their German guests that they suspect their neighbours of helping allied airmen ehh? Maquis indeed
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