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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Stubby Pecker


    Snatch is stalking the landing with a cut throat scythe. I hope he sharped the cunt before he got banged up so he can offer to cut the boys toast up for them at breakfast.
  2. When the army take over they'll sit around playing with themselves while the Royal Marines sort the cunts out starting with you. Steel toe cap to the temple should crush your skull enough to leave your flaccid body twitching enough to attract the crows.
  3. Stubby Pecker


    There's a cell for 2 waiting for him, the other occupant likes ANZAC wines, mocking the cruelly afflicted, some hippy nailed to a cross dying in unspeakable agony and rampant sausaging. Can you guess who it is?
  4. Stubby Pecker


    I really would watch your step scrote-cunts get coolered for saying such things under this jack boot regime. If I were you, I would take a backward step, away from potential danger.
  5. We wouldn't be in this position if half the Cor-Bin voting kids, who liked the idea of having a grown up they could look up to, had got off there lazy arses, stopped listening to wank, wet pants music, put on there skinny jeans and fucking voted to remain, the useless bastards.
  6. Sailing is for poofs and irons as I hope one of you cunts has already established. Punkers is a keen sailor, well at least he has access to plenty of seamen, most of it west Africa. He also spends a lot of time in the docks but don't ask him about the ships as he never gets to see them whilst bent over getting his back doors smashed in for a fiver, the fucking poof!
  7. Get your stinking arse to number 10 Eduardo, there's a job for you in the new cabinet, and give that cunt Gove a fucking proper slap whilst you're at it!
  8. Stubby Pecker


    That's a harsh slap on the bellend if ever there was. Surely a "shut the fuck up you soppy cunt and put yer knickers back on" would have been adequate? Yes, snatcher was giving Ricky some shit, but he's a big boy and compared to some of the nastiness here these were sweet nothings.
  9. Fucking right on! No enough is being done to question and debunk religions of all kind. It's all bullshit and these beliefs, especially Islam, should be challenged at all opportunities. This won't go down well with the indoctrinated or the PC, loony left, Cor-Bin tree hugging cunts but stiff shit, we're living the the 21st century when it's time to reject dogma, fairy stories and basic fucking lies.
  10. Yep, a few dozen sheep are usually crushed and a lot more get the shit kicked out of em for not being dressed right or praying incorrectly or some other shit the the religious police don't like. The main themes this year will be condemning extremism, making normal people like you, integration into modern life and accepting that other people aren't all Muslims and that's ok.
  11. Stubby Pecker


    Flicking through the channels last night he must have caught a few brief seconds of Preditor or Mad Max 2, and now he's acting the butch guy.
  12. Stubby Pecker

    New member

    Nail gun, seven foot fence post, old tractor tyre and a jerrycan of petrol. Just sayin'
  13. This is a genuine spelling mistake Alf-should have read gag raped, black cock down the throat style and one up the shitter 'an all, the fucking poof
  14. Hopefully your funeral will be a tardy event with any money left behind from your pathetic career of sucking off truck drivers and their illegal passengers, donated to a cancer charity. The national benevolent fund to gang rapped male prostitutes will have miss out.
  15. I really can't stand cretins who do this, they're the worst kind of plebs. As for eating the foreskin owners scat, well if it earns him an extra 50p a pop, then fair play.
  16. 'eavens old bean, he's too much of a pussy to incur the wrath of the mods so soon after his last faux pas-give the vile fucking cunt a few days and I'm sure he'll have the courage to nominate "parents who complain when their kids die" the stupid poof
  17. I bet you're not going to post another nom about people who complain when they've got cancer.....
  18. You trying to out cunt me in the punkape game? Good work motherfucker!
  19. It seems the main thing on the curriculum of your undoubtedly fictitious public school was getting the shit kicked out of you, even by the younger boys, as a precursor to sucking off half the class. Your half decent exam results must have been gained in a similar way by letting the teachers have their way
  20. Along with ANZAC wines, this reinforces what a "pleb" "cretin" and "oik" this cancer victim mocking think cunt is Bubba. In terms of flies and flys, some of these swarm around a shit and piss encrusted cardboard landrover on a Cheshire landfill site, popular with the local gays and one is regularly unzipped by the cunt in question for a violent throat gagging for £1.50.
  21. One can only hope you're run over by a bus in the near future, ideally one driven by a non white who's here illegally, on drugs and wanted in several countries for a string of awful crimes.
  22. Change you're ways withers or be totally rejected by the corner. Repent your sins with a good catholic brother and celebrate with a good cognac (anal sex followed by feltching)
  23. Stubby Pecker


    5. Dr no no, you've done it wrong again
  24. Yeah withers, shut it you moaning cunt or our overlords will tell you off again for being a pick. In the meantime, if your geese have had enough of being fucked, here's some French bloke who used to be good at girls tennis to give you a raging bonner
  25. Stubby Pecker


    3. Octopus smelling pussy
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