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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. This was the standard when I joined, laugh out loud funny. Come on withers old bean, give us another
  2. Classy, you're a true man of breeding 'eav. Inbreeding of course.
  3. Get your fucking hand off my knee pansy or I'll stab it with the fork
  4. Tell me about it. First it was border jumpers from Wiltshire followed by an unstoppable wave of cunts from lundon
  5. Agreed, the anti ding rhetoric was tiresome and I called the cunts out on it more than once, to be fair to ding he never took a backward step the stubborn yorkie cunt. How was the cooler; walking like John Wayne or settle a few vendettas?
  6. It's almost worth his stream of Walter Mitty bullshit to see roops spank his arse, again. His visits to the cooler are getting more frequent, time for the death sentence, now
  7. True, but the senile old cow has been here longer than most so privilege of rank. The silly mare occasionally plucks out a nugget that isn't a steaming turd.
  8. I miss the web footed fen monkey, time for an olive branch from the mods I think, that goes for cockfingers 'an all. Or perhaps they're still here??
  9. These little scamps are waiting for him in his personal cell in the cooler with a shit load of fisting butter.....
  10. With jezzas teeth marks from back in the day. Biltong anyone?
  11. Yes, I'm aware that he's on a clandestine, SOE style mission behind enemy lines (the EU). Whilst he's down there under scroter's pit he'll be amongst several pairs of Wehrmacht standard issue boots circa 1945 thrown off it a fit of passion with the willing hosts.
  12. All you need to say is the dirty poof PM'd you the photo to show off his capacity. Now my suspicions are turning to revulsion. You'd make a great MP with those skeletons
  13. Stubby Pecker

    Lily Allen

    Your mission this weekend pansy is to finally get yourself an avatar as another faceless flid has rocked up. I've already slagged him off, incorrectly, thinking it was you and we can't have that. Do for old stubbers
  14. Stubby Pecker

    Lily Allen

    Your mission this weekend pansy is to finally get yourself an avatar as another faceless flid has rocked up. I've already slagged him off, incorrectly, thinking it was you and we can't have that. Do for old stubbers
  15. Perhaps our esteemed mods with finally have enough of this shit? If anyone else were to compare another member to a sadistic paedo and murderer I'm pretty sure the treatment would be a bit harsher. Seems old punkers has a longer leash than ordinary cunts.
  16. Firstly, many apologies for my earlier post; I saw your avatar, or lack of one, and the utter drivel below it and assumed it was our resident flid, pansy. He's posts steaming shite in a similar vein to yours but has been quite for a while (wishful thinking to hope he was dead) so assumed he was making up for lost time. I see comrade killer has suggested a couple of pints of bleach and I'll echo that. Unfortunately you won't be around to see your hero destroy our country once and for all, shame.
  17. Firstly, many apologies for my earlier post; I saw your avatar, or lack of one, and the utter drivel below it and assumed it was our resident flid, pansy. He's posts steaming shite in a similar vein to yours but has been quite for a while (wishful thinking to hope he was dead) so assumed he was making up for lost time. I see comrade killer has suggested a couple of pints of bleach and I'll echo that. Unfortunately you won't be around to see your hero destroy our country once and for all, shame.
  18. How the fuck did you get the felchings from punkers anal cavity in one glass? I'd have thought you'd need a pint pot at least! And how did you get in the first place? Only you know the answers killer
  19. Are you making up for lost time in the gibberish stakes?
  20. Have fun in the cooler getting your face filled with yet more cock-nuts on the chin muthafuka! Luckily this weekend is brutal gang rape in the showers weekend, so good luck with that one you fucking poof! Lol lol.......!
  21. Is it the weekend you get your arsehole stitched and tightened so you can charge an extra 50p to the illegals as they jump out of the shipping container to give you a good back scuttling? You fucking poof!
  22. If he even feels the need to fuck small boys I'm sure the Catholic Church will welcome him no questions asked. I'm also sure if he fancies whooping his cock up a shit and spunk encrusted arsehole without the need for lube and can find £2.50 down the sofa, you'll be happy to help, you fucking poofter
  23. Your continuing obsession with a sadistic child torturer, murderer and paedophile is extremely worrying. But not as worrying as you comparing him to me. Enjoy the cooler, it won't be long till you're fucked off for good you pig shit thick cunt.
  24. For £2.50 you can take him anyway you like. Double bag though, the fucking poof is riddled with AIDS of every kind.
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