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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. This is on the same level as the cunting through song thread you dominated for so long. Much of my knowledge of depraved arse bandit ways is derived from this and of course the vile shit punkers PMs me in a sick and vain at attempt to queer me up.
  2. Good try, now fuck off and bang out to your Gary glitter records
  3. Yes, because it gets you all excited you fucking poof! Have you volunteered at an oncology centre yet to make up for your cuntish behaviour?
  4. I don't want to be near the cunt when he "spits his venom" ie a pathetic dribble of diseased spunk or a cum splatted fart
  5. And you've just posted about Panama hats the badge that says I'm a cunt and a secret shit stabber. Make the most of your final hours here.
  6. Yes, sad news Rolf is still alive I know, however, I understand the tags you've put with this nom but please refrain from telling us your preferred hole of choice, giving and receiving
  7. Shut up you blithering fucking idiot. Not only are you a poof but also a racist shitcunt with a fucking short memory, the inability to learn any lessons from history or put recent events into an intelligent context regarding today's world, geopolitics and religions. Might I suggest swallowing a couple of dishwasher tablets and washing it down with a pint of bleach? Failing that, fuck off.
  8. My real fantasy is you dying a slow and painful death, probably of tertiary AIDS or a prolapsed arsehole from a particularly brutal fisting session. However, as you're soon to be banned for good, I need not to worry. At the moment your too scared to call me a lover of serial killing paedos or yet another vile nom about people who complain of having a terminal disease (not many punters would have seen this horrible dump from your sick fucking mind because it was taken down straight away) so you're trying to look tough and play to the crowd with the anti Islam crap you've done before (and been taken down). Fuck off you raging poof.
  9. Make the most of it minge, the thick cunt is on the verge of a permanent ban. It's only a matter of time before he posts something vile like his caner nom or accuses another member of being a nonce.
  10. This is obviously some code for homos to spot each other without arousing the suspicion of their wives, kids, work mates etc. secret meetings can then be set up so they can bum to their hearts content. I think this is how punkers gets some of his clients when he's had enough of being violently arse raped by the street thugs, the dirty fucking poof.
  11. You've also got your own private store of gay sex equipment, many worn out through over use. I believe the knob Kerry though as it's a boys name as well-You fucking poof! On another note, I hope you had more fun in the cooler being used as a man whore? Don't worry you'll be back there soon if the standard of your recent posts is anything to go by, but of course this time it'll be permanent. Fuck off.
  12. Never mind that deciman old mucker, after this weather my nut sack and gooch are red fucking raw from swinging around in their string nylon y fronts all day, sweating like a fat bird in the chippy. Do you know of any known cure for this ghastly affliction? Dunking my cock, balls and crack is sacred fen water?
  13. Bollocks, this kiddie played a blinder today! A century in only his 4th game sticking in right to the curry munchers to take his curry munchers to the trophy.
  14. We've got similar sick cunts in this land. I hope he broke his spine and landed in fox shit
  15. Keep your niche frapping videos to yourself. I've no desire to see hobbit sex flicks-the Forest of Dean is full of these hairy footed cunts and we don't want anymore.
  16. I'm sure it's got the highest percentage of chavs in the country. The best thing about the place is you can get out into the countryside quickly. Contrast this to Cheltenham, however, and on a hot day such as this many beautiful women are on display and dressed correctly in the more is less theory rather than flabby tits hanging out or a skirt that barely conceals the drooping beef curtains.
  17. With any luck, in years to come, these will cause some fatal disease that rots the bone marrow or makes the head explode. Visiting fucking morrisons in grotty glawster is a dreadful experience at the best of times but now the suns out vile chavy cunts with their guttural slurred speech lurch around the place buying crisps, special brew and relentless for an evening of fucking the local slags to breed more of their human detritus. And of course, every one of these cunts has an oh so original tat; the slags have the name of their 3rd illegitimate brown brat stamped on the neck or forearm in Sanskrit or jap, the blobs that are blokes some indecipherable shite all up both arms to prove they're hard. Back in the day, SOME tats looked ok, now they're the badge of an utter cuntbreed who I wouldn't piss on if on fire, rather have me running for a petrol can to ensure the jobs done properly.
  18. Or a good sleeper hold, cable ties and duck tape....
  19. Outta likes, come on cockfingers crawl back and take some shit and offer some, orally
  20. Impossible, they're only human of course. I'm fit as fuck, in both senses (weights and concept 2 this evening) but the wife and kids in tow tends to put them off and I'm not a cunt
  21. No fucking spooning either you raging sausager
  22. Welcome back SC, seen any venomous cunts in the bush lately? David Warner is a cunt
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