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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. I presume you mean giving skippy another few mins on the barbie and asking his Sheila to get him another cold stubby?
  2. Admin after reading some anti Islam noms that have punters frothing at the arsehole for genocide and deportation!
  3. This is a curse that most Aussie and yank cunts are inflicted with. If my kids start this shit I'm selling them to the gypsies
  4. Stubby Pecker


    Not just on form, it was smoking hot cunting from another dimension. We must all bow our heads in shame an insist the despicable scotch cunt not go into hiatus again any time soon. Wank puffins.
  5. Stubby Pecker


    Having worked in conservation for many years it's obvious the human species is a right cunt when it comes to virtually all the others. Africa and a few parts of Asia are the only places left with a megafauna- this existed over the whole planet, seas as well, before the rise of our own species. It's probably because we evolved alongside elephants, rhinos etc in Africa and the relatively low population until recently that they're still alive. Look at once existed in North America before humans crossed from Siberia; mammoths, camels, horses, lions and all manner of impressive beasts. Bison and pronghorn are 2 of the few species left the latter is the second fastest land mammal because their where several species of cheetah over there (now gone). Strangely all these fuckers vanished when cave men arrived.... Perhaps if we were a bit more proactive here in terms of conservation (wolves, bears, lynx were all here until relatively recently) the bongo bongo types wouldn't think we're a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
  6. Seems a tad harsh but would defiantly learn the fucker not to do it again. Perhaps they could set him on fire for good measure?
  7. Too true; I'll say 5 Hail Marys, try to avoid cunting punkers with sausaging jibes, and stop staring at all the birds I work with tits and arse. I'm fucked!
  8. God help me, I'm converting to Catholicism as we speak! Fuck, that'll make it worse....
  9. Shouldn't think so. Any biting or stinging invertebrate would do as long as doesn't kill him and spoil the main event of crunching bone and spilling of intestines
  10. Stubby Pecker


    Not nice just before bed, just think of him being hacked to death then set on fire, it works for me every night.
  11. Stubby Pecker


    Buggered by pygmies, starting punkape in the title role!
  12. Stubby Pecker


    I'm the same. There are billions of humans so we're not going extinct anytime soon plus we have a voice and some can even fight back.
  13. We all have much to learn from the good Reverend, the despicable über cunt!
  14. Hopefully some boffins can identify brain waves, genetic makers or certain physiological or social traits that make these cunts kiddie fiddlers. We could then kill them all at birth to stop them breeding more evil spawn. In the mean time, staked inside an old tractor tyre and set on fire seem the best way to deal with then.
  15. Stubby Pecker


    Here we go again with your serial killing obsession. I believe you were warning explicitly about this shit but you must be to fucking thick to take it on board. Keep it up please so you get fucked off for good especially as I've reported you, again.
  16. Stubby Pecker


    Stop copying the plot of your cannibal holocaust beta maxi video! Agreed though, they should all be shot but the real problem is the cunts who buy the stuff in china and SE Asia, Vietnam especially. Rhino horn is the most expensive commodity in the world, more than gold. It's fucked up.
  17. "Once I'm paid, I always see the job through"
  18. Punkers can allege what he likes. Apparently our overlords turn a blind eye to him accusing others of being paedophiles such as his last offering. I dare not say anything about him along similar lines or I'll the in lock down. What I will say is that he's a brown nosed little cunt who we'll all be glad to see the back of.
  19. Id pay good money to see any sporting event where robbie fat cunt druggie Williams suffers an agonising and gore splattered death, he was no. 1 on my CC woodchipper list. Staked out on an athletics field is one that comes to mind, as the javelins, hammers and discus come raining down. Set the cunt on fire to make a better target.
  20. It's this kind of classic baiting and trolling that punkers is allowed to get away with on a constant basis. Always a puerile attempt to get others frothing at the mouth, step over the line of decency, something he's above censure for, and get themselves banned. Our twatish mods do absolutely fuck all about this because he's either one of their hilarious characters or they must enjoy seeing him cunted to oblivion for being a Walter Mitty, crazy golf playing male prostitute who's smoked more cock than Ian Rush tapped in goals from the six yard box.
  21. Well educated in the places to locate clients for his arsehole, cultured in that he's a big fan of Boy George and a lover of good quality cardboard with which to construct his Range Rover out of.
  22. A lab analysis (should that be anal analysis, chortle chortle!) of punkers tea mug and vile back-washings would reveal not only shit particles from many sources but also spunk, piss and blood and some of his own tears (or should that be tear apart, double chortles!) as he lays weeping in an empty shipping container after a multi arse buggering from the latest batch of clients. This scientific test would also show the source of the biological matter was 100% non-white in its ethnic origin!
  23. The irony is Alf, that although pinkape says he's opposed to foreign johnnies coming into the UK, his livelihood depends on getting down the docks and servicing Mohammed the illiterate Somali goat herder and his chums, the fucking poof. If ever there was a case of double standards, this is it.
  24. Correct, because he's a cum gargling shit stabber par excellence who'd sink to any level of depraved sexual antics for a fiver. Plus his act also condones kiddie fiddlers and sky fairy's in a pathetic attempt to get others banned for accusing him of being a nonce, the fucking poof!
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