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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Theo Kogan, formerly of the Lunachicks
  2. You must understand billy boy, MC is thicker than 10 very thick planks of wood nailed together, which is incidentally what I'd like to do to him: nail him to a plank, shortly before a nice bonfire. However, he's got the brains of a rocket scientist when compared to welsh_cunt. You two should get on well, you'll have much to discuss.
  3. Catholic golfers are much worse
  4. I've not encountered this gentlemen as his rise and fall coincided with my hiatus so I'll reserve judgement on his degree of retardedness. However, if he's the bellend folks say he is he'll soon be snuggling up to franks vile, decaying bones.
  5. Wait till gypo gets a load of this, you're for it! I agree though, they're scummy, sub human cunts with no morals, mostly descended from inbreed bog trotters that even the paddys don't want back. Incidently, here in the 'shire we've got a very high concentration of these vermin. They all congregate along the Severn so a fucking good flood or tsunami should wipe them out.
  6. I've come to the conclusion that the only reason anyone would go into the clergy would be; a.) they are mentally deluded to actually believe in such utter lies and bullshit all religions consist of, or b.) they are rampant paedos who want to gain access to the vulnerable Nothing a good burning wouldnt sort out followed by the redistribution of the billions these cunts have raped from the brainwashed
  7. True, by thankfully our coppers tend to shot any gun toting cunt on sight. Rot in hell Dugan cunt
  8. I'd gladly give you a had uncle ape. I've got a really thing for burning cunts alive at the moment and it would cleanse the AIDS ridden corpse
  9. He was there colubus monkey was is avatar...
  10. When I rocked up on CC Dec 14 there was some bell end with a succession of RR avatars, can't fucking remember who it was?
  11. Stubby Pecker


    The Rev's influence is already making this a better place, god bless the fucking arsehole
  12. You vile despicable shit cunt!
  13. Great work fellas, keep it up. Have fun slopping out with punkape and say hi to franks corpse for me.
  14. Great work ding. I sense a lot of this with Wimbledon on the horizon, a top 10 perhaps.
  15. Are you hoping for a transfer to a better cell on your next, imminent, visit to the cooler?
  16. Either you're incapable of seperating fact from fiction, humour from intent or you're a ghastly troll trying to goad others with you're serial killer accusations. It maybe both. You are, however, thick as shit because you can't change your pathetic ways despite numerous warnings and punishments. Not long now, especially as I report you're every vile utterance.
  17. Please fuck off you tiny brained, noxious, xenophobic shit cunt. The good news is, you're so unbelievably fucking thick you'll be the cooler spooning with pinkape before you can get "Muslim genocide" out of your winnet encrusted lips.
  18. I'm in the same boat old fruit. I've even considered killing the cunt and shipping him back on qantas...
  19. Stubby Pecker


    Don't forget the senile old Greek cunt used to shoot tigers as "sport" and his inbreed grand cunts love to go to Africa to kill big things whilst being spokesmen for the WWF- what kind of message does this send that it's ok to needlessly kill one species yet preach to dusky skinned chaps that they shouldn't do same to the ones we deem special?
  20. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this tragedy. 4 lives ruined forever. Yanks love their guns, after all is in their rule book that they needed to wipe out the native inhabitants and wildlife. If you can buy an 7.62 machine gun like we buy a pint of milk then there's going to be a few problems. Hungerford and dunblane effectively ended private gun ownership in the UK thank fuck.
  21. Don't make me part of your epic grudge match. Fight well and to the death and may the most despicable utter shit cunt win!
  22. Jesus Christ ding (I'm quoting apes comment because the internet might crash if I did yours) this has got to be a record even for you the multiple quoting stakes, you rhubarb eating fucker. I can almost feel the anger and vitriol boiling in decs blood when he gets a load of this.
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