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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. We're still going to thrash them, ton for Cook, declare at tea, pitch doing everything. And their best bowler is banned next game for telling Stokes he's a cunt. I'd be fucking pissed off if I was Adil Rashid to get over looked for Dawson who seems not to be able to bat, bowl or field.
  2. I very much doubt that. Currently every professional Australian cricketer is unemployed so they've got Bruce from twongo billabonga 3rds and his cobbers to pick from.
  3. All grey squirrels here should die, hopefully a biological control can be found. Or pine martens https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jan/30/how-to-eradicate-grey-squirrels-without-firing-a-shot-pine-martens
  4. Stubby Pecker


    Not many things say "I'm a cunt" more than a man wearing a vest in public. The minute the sun comes out and gets above 20 degrees (about 12 degrees in Newcastle) every other grotty cunt has to ponce about in a vest showing the world their saggy moobs, oh so original tats and cuntish demeanour. Even with my athletic physique I wouldn't wear this in public apart from a running singlet or tri top, yet the fat a ugly have adopted this as their summer uniform.
  5. Full of homos no doubt who tell their wife of 40 years they're playing golf when they're actually smokin' the pole
  6. Actually we all got together made a model of you so we could take turns pissing and shitting on it then throwing it in the sea with a breeze block chained to the cunt!
  7. Hamster removal can't be cheap....
  8. Utter shit. With any luck you'll die alone in drawn out, excruciating pain. Very soon.
  9. Punkers and scrote in their spare time, geese are out of shot
  10. Their remains were put there by god to test unbelievers. Joking aside, I've had this argument several times with god bothers and Jehovah's cunts, but what would I know with my geology degree.
  11. Stubby Pecker

    Celtic fans

    Never has the case been stronger for VX gassing ibrox and Celtic park on match days
  12. I've already watched this documentary and I think this woman is a fucking hero making the miles I do on my bike back and forward to work each day a breeze. She possesses more guts than a keyboard warrior like you could ever dream of. Go and chop your arms and legs off and give it a go, or better still I'll come round with my STIHL and do it for you
  13. Run of the mill Muslims, or any fool you lives by a set of rules based on superstition, hearsay and made up fairy stories should be treated as such: a fool. I'd go as far as mentally unstable- Tim Farron for example, is a laughing stock because of his ridiculous beliefs and had to quit because of it, the prick. Muslims are a special case, however, as the dogma of their faith is so entrenched and seems to be most important thing they have, defining them as people, it sweeps away any common sense. Racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, the hatred of non Muslims are all tolerated by our PC leaders for fuck knows why, all incompatible with the liberal democracy that allows us our easy lives. All religions should be reformed to remove the totally cuntish bits and all kids taught the truth in school. Big Bang, metal core, plate tectonics, trilobites etc etc
  14. Never mind, at least you can put your feet up and listen to TMS. Or hang yourself.
  15. Just heed my advice bilbo and you'll go far. You're starting at the very bottom so in theory, you'll only get better and your posts will be just shit as opposed to utter shit
  16. I hope the judge was deeply offended and told the ungrateful cunts to go and poke it up their arses. How do they know what's he's like and what problems he or his family have to deal with? It's like saying all Muslims have sympathy with jihadists and hate white Christian infidels, and who the fuck would say that?
  17. Stubby Pecker

    Celtic fans

    Thought this might bring out of your box. Football is for poofs and irons, a well established fact here, however, scotch football is a standard slightly above the Eastbourne octogenarian all amputees division 5-women's section.
  18. 3 of of 10, self deprecation, yes but utter lack of original humour. Poor show all round.
  19. 3 of of 10, self deprecation, yes but utter lack of original humour. Poor show all round.
  20. Please come up with original insults rather than just copy what everyone accuses you of being. Pathetic, there's no hope for you whatsoever
  21. This made my piss boil when I heard this on the wireless yesterday, young Eduardo. Basically saying the judge is a non human, cold hearted cunt with zero empathy for part singed curry munchers. Maybe we should let those affected choose the judge? Bet it's not a Jew or a Hindu...
  22. Frank was best man/cunt and caught the bouquet of flowers (Japanese knot weed) but hasn't yet found a deaf and blind person to marry
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