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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. That's a possibility too....but they are firmly in the closet and wouldn't dream of having a peep out.
  2. Well yes, we do have a few "eccentric" members....
  3. Not really... If our government had adopted similar rules to my golf club and not taken their eye of the ball we wouldn't have Islamified ghettos all over the fucking country.My golf club doesn't have iIslamic cunts in it because we have a proper application system.
  4. Hardly....I'm more concerned about any relaxation of my golf clubs' membership criteria and dress code.
  5. Yes but it's precisely that that swung the vote....uncontrolled immigration by Blair and Brown. Shutting the door is popular and gets votes just as we've seen in America....
  6. I wouldn't be seen dead in such places because they are full of our cunts and Islamic cunts. At least the British cunts were our cunts. Now we get everybody's cunts from everywhere.
  7. It's the same thing with homosexuality. If you aren't seen to be approving of it and lauding it you're a fucking Nazi stormtooper.
  8. Don't be ridiculous. I have massive sympathy for people in such towns who have had huge areas islamified and ghettoised without any of their consent. Thats why Labour have lost and why we're leaving Europe.
  9. Well you don't live in some northern islamified mill town where thousands of Islamic twats have been landed without your consent or approach for approval. Its towns like Burnley, Bradford and Rotherham that helped swing the vote.Labours open door policy on immigration has sealed their political fate.
  10. It's none of your business what's on the table. You had your vote and we're coming out of the EEC.
  11. I'll bet you're about 5ft 1 and a short arse. At 12 stone and 5ft 1 you'll a fat little runt as well.. Now fuck off.... lol.
  12. You would be ejected from my local Church too..! lol.
  13. I'm off to play golf. You would never get into my golf club. lol.
  14. Get rid of that Karl Marx picture you communist cunt. Peasant.Traitor. Fuck off.
  15. Most Americans are retarded and thick.
  16. At my public school we used to "convert " frogs over the rugby posts. Great fun. You never knew if they we going to hop out of the way at the last second.... lol.
  17. Good luck at the clinic... Lol.
  18. And cunts like yourself from Cheetham Hill who parade about on Canal st.... lol.
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