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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. Surely you can do better than this.It's simply awful.
  2. Hello Peasant. I'm off to play golf at one of my elite clubs shortly. I play at the sort of club you will never get asked to join or be a member of.I'm going to the West Indies soon to play golf and I'll let you know how I get on. In the meantime I hope you contract cholera and measles to go with your existing Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. lol.
  3. The Guardian is utterly poisonous,putrefying cunt leakage. I would like to trace every cunt who buys and reads this shit and chuck them in the burning building along with the perverse writers and editors.It's pinkaboo readers burnt remains should then be boiled in industrial vats of Domestos
  4. Just because someone is married doesn't mean that they are not poofs. Look at the state of this country with marriage meaning anything.Why should Turkey be any different ? Anyone who goes to a nightclub is at least rather odd and probably homosexual as well...... Anyway fuck off..... lol.
  5. You wouldn't be an appropriate visitor to my club.....let alone member.... lol.
  6. Another gay nightclub shooting this time in Istanbul with 38 dead reported so far and many more injured. Islamist terrorist cunts are clearly going to continue targeting homosexuals so it might be an idea for the gay community to keep a lower profile.If they all converted to Roman Catholicism, practiced the religion and played golf they would become less of a target. Happy New Year !
  7. Most students champion gay rights without realising they are promoting homosexuality......many are sick...... lol.
  8. Most students champion gay rights without realising they are promoting homosexuality...... Most student are cunts.
  9. I'd like to see the end of it.... and its promotion by key Govt bodies..........you don't seem too concerned do you ?
  10. That sounds like a guaranteed blow-job for Jacko......
  11. That sounds like a guaranteed blow-job for Jacko...... lol.
  12. That sounds like a guaranteed blow-job for Jacko...... lol.
  13. I still ski but nearer Easter.A great friend of mine has a chalet in Verbier and another friend from school has a house in Geneva. I often drive out to Switzerland in the Range Rover. I've skied most years since I was 10. People who don't ski are usually gay.
  14. I never said it was mine..... Ir was so obviously from the Spectator.....
  15. You subside the fuckers then. Fuck off.
  16. More utter shite What would you say if a powerful cyclists’ pressure group ganged up on the NHS and lobbied it to provide free cycle helmets to anyone who asked for one, accusing it of having on its hands the blood of every helmet-less cyclist who died while the NHS tried to spurn the demand? I think I can guess the answer in the case of most readers: fuck off and buy your own helmets. Why, then, does it become such a different matter when the National Aids Trust demands that the NHS provide a free supply of a drug known as Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, or PrEP, to people who want to have unprotected sex with multiple partners. The proposal has raised hardly any protest other than a dry response from the NHS itself that it wasn’t sure whether it had the authority to prescribe a drug which is purely preventative – or whether that should come under local authorities. The idea was backed by Max Pemberton, editor of Spectator Health, last November. The government has now asked NICE, the quango charged with judging the costs versus benefits of drugs, to carry out a review. It is not hard to guess what will come next. After a bit more bashing from the likes of the National Aids Trust – which has threatened a judicial review on the grounds of ‘discrimination’ — the government, afraid of being accused of homophobia, will give in. It shouldn’t. If you are going to set a precedent whereby the NHS is expected to fund protective equipment to help people cope with the dangers inherent in their pastimes there will be no containing NHS spending. What would be the argument then for the NHS not providing free ropes and crampons to mountaineers or flameproof suits to motor-racing drivers? If they save lives, why not? It is outrageous for the National Aids Trust to claim that failing to provide free PrEP is discriminatory. It isn’t just gay people who are at risk from HIV infection. Heterosexuals run the risk, too, if they engage in unprotected sex with multiple partners. Moreover, only some gay men are promiscuous, and many are not even sexually active at all. It is a free choice for anyone to engage in risky sex, and not one that it should be the job of the NHS to encourage – especially given that the drug isn’t exactly a guarantee against infection. One study suggests a 92 to 99 per cent reduction in risk of HIV transmission for people who take the drug every day, falling off rapidly for those who fail to keep up this rigid regime, as many in the trial did. Anyone who does choose to take the risks of unprotected sex, of course, has the option of buying the drug themselves. According to the NHS chief executive this week it costs £355 for 30 tablets. There, that’s the price of a couple of drinks a pop. Or, according to Max Pemberton, you can get a year’s supply from India for £600. So, if you want unprotected, promiscuous sex, stop moaning and embrace the globalised drug industry. Or stop being a fucking pervert.
  17. Ebola and diphtheria for you in 2017.... lol.
  18. Really ? I thought he played in the Nazareth foursomes with Judas Iscariot..... and The Bethlehem Masters..... Fuck off.
  19. Earl of Punkape


    Why should the general public and a harassed NHS pick up the bill for gays to have dangerous sex with each other? Besides dangerous sex does stop the risk of other Std's, Hepatitis etc. The perverts still have the option of a condom and if they're too pissed or drugged up to use those properly then tough shit......or compacted shit in their case. You seem all to keen to trumpet the perverts mantra for them. If you pay for their drugs you're promoting buggery and immorality and courting their approval and your own disgrace.
  20. Earl of Punkape


    Did you enjoy your roast hedgehog on Christmas Day ?
  21. Deebom will buy weed,cocaine and whiz for Christmas. fucking drug-addled prick.
  22. Very poor research....in fact nothing but bullshit. All four Gospels were written more or less simultaneously and differ very little.Modern day Christianity was based on the life of Jesus in the Gospels not the life of Noah or Balthazar. Your just an anti-Christ fuckwit with no faith.
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