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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. More..... Tackling these stories by journalists would blow apart the chimera of multculturalism which is an ideology that is set on pretty shaky ground in the first place. Multiculturalist ideas flounder when tested, especially when they are tested by the importation and pandering to cultural ideologies that are completely opposite to that of our own and that of other civilised societies. If journalists and editors are going out of their way to protect the ideology of multiculturalism by not highlighting these cases as much as they should be doing then they are no longer fit to be called journalists, but are merely unthinking propagandists of the sort who would not be out of place in Huxley’s Brave New World. I think we as a nation deserve much better from our Fourth Estate than that. Or cuntish, hacks of totalitarianism.
  2. By kind permission..... National coverage of these trials, coverage that much of the legacy media has been shockingly bad at achieving, may galvanise people, especially those in authority, to do something about a problem that is ruining the lives of thousands upon thousands of British girls. If that national coverage is not being supplied by newspapers of record such as the Times or the Telegraph and it is not being supplied by the state broadcaster that we all pay for, the BBC, then it’s the job of other more brave professional journalists to step up to the plate. Misplaced concerns about ‘racism’ by journalists and editors which is leading them to play down these trials in national media, are condemning these often vulnerable children and young women to a life of sexual servitude and violence at the hands of these Islamic Rape Gangs. This is because without a national outcry about these Islamic Rape Gangs very little will be done about them because tackling them and admitting the root cause of these crimes, which is Islam and its attitude to women. This lack of action and lack of coordinated national publicity by media over the issue of Islamic sex crime and Islamic misogyny is not only letting down non Muslim British girls but is also letting down girls in Muslim families who are also often subjected to sexual, physical and emotional abuse. If the papers and the broadcasters will not cover the stories of non Muslim girls who’ve been outrageously abused what chance is there of this media turning their attention to girls I Muslim families who are enslaved?
  3. 1. What's racist about discussing grooming gangs from a particular ethnic area and creed. By playing the race card you cynically try to shut down the debate. 2. Deportation back to place of origin regardless of birthright. (Some want to be fucked off anyway) 3. Fuck off.
  4. A north Manchester lawyer whom I played golf with today indicated that the scale of Muslim grooming trials is huge and will clog up the courts for the next 3 years. He indicated that the type of abuse will certainly mean long custodial sentences for those convicted and will mean a substantial increase in the prison population as a result. I'm a fan of deportation for these revolting individuals.....
  5. Or we could discuss the history and development of office equipment in West Rudgeley between 1949-1962......
  6. We don't need cunts on Cuntscorner telling us they fly model helicopters in the nude either. Cocksucker.
  7. She should be at home hoovering and making the dinner not playing politics with the big boys. Looks like she might have been good on her back 20 years ago.......
  8. How about a North Korean entry to help promote a sense of diversity and collectivity.... The cunts who run this "competition" are the same as the cunts running the EEC.. ..thank fuck we're leaving.
  9. You won't miss a minute of the shite along with Ramone your live-in rent boy....... lol. Fuck off.
  10. What's this ? Australia will take part in the Eurovision Song Contest final for the third year running after making it through the first semi-final in Kiev. Australia ? What a load of shit. Unbelievable bollocks.
  11. This ridiculous bollocks is upon us again and comperered by the silly Irish faggot Graham fucking Norton. After Brexit has outraged socialist/liberal Eurotwats we will get absolutely no votes at all......... and who gives a shit ? The event is nothing more than a predominantly homosexual festival which promotes anal sex, camp-acting and discriminating against the UK entry. Terry Wogan was a cunt.
  12. Torquay is for peasants. I go Trevose, Rock or Saunton. Fuck off.
  13. Is Ape one of the Cunts bending over in the gay silver jumpsuit......in expectation of a rogering....
  14. Fuck off and play with your toy helicopter...... lol.
  15. In reality he probably works as a motor installation technician in a dildo factory. lol
  16. Ape probably lives in Yurt in a gay commune and washes the lesbians underwear..... lol.
  17. Of course if you require property you sequester it from Aboriginal people then dump them onto "reservations". Fuck off.
  18. He's already been and shopped at Marcus and Spencus in Jerusalem.
  19. If you went with your obese civil-partner you could shove frozen stalagmites up each other's arses all night. lol. lolol. You fat sod.
  20. The adverts are actually quite "catchy" and will attract the clientele back they have lost for a while. I go to an organic Deli-Boulangerie for my Pattiserie.
  21. I bet Ape would shag her and give her an extra bun in the oven.... lol. Fuck off.
  22. It's Ape's civil partner.... Another reason to avoid Tesco....as if one was needed.
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