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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. Terrorist Islamist losers are perpetually spun out of the Mosques everywhere. Islam need to reform itself, or be reformed by imposition or totally expunged.
  2. Tommy Robinson is no longer a member or head of the EDL nor has been for some time.
  3. Getting the Army involved is excellent but what we really need is for them to take over. Too many of our Police forces are run by left wing authorities who use them to protect Islamist scum and hassle middle class motorists.
  4. Go and fuck yourself crossways you colossal ring piece...
  5. I reckon the Royal Fusiliers, Lee Rigby's Regiment wouldn't mind first crack at some of these jihaddy vermin....
  6. We must bring in internment as soon as possible in order to protect the citizens of this country against an enemy who has effectively declared war on us. Anyone who disagrees with me is part of the problem and a Quisling cunt.Left wing appeasement and fawning servility to political correctness will destroy us. This country needs a military takeover until the enemy has been identified and eradicated.
  7. You should be fucked off Cuntscorner you depaved HIV+ tosspot.
  8. All Mosques should be turned into nightclubs ( Gay or otherwise ) for youngsters to enjoy themselves.
  9. Fair point Beast but I admire his courage.
  10. From Tommy Robinson "We need mass deportations of terrorists & their families who harbour them ,no more sitting & waiting for them to strike terror on our soil." Rational and proportionate.
  11. I hope Manky is OK. All this was in his backyard......
  12. You're going to have to elaborate a bit here.
  13. Why did you include the Welsh you stupid Mancunian twat....They're British.
  14. That sounds like an afternoon with Ian Brady........
  15. The only thing you'll have at home is an AIDS infested gimp with a Jimmy Savile haircut...,,, lol. Fuck off.
  16. Put up what ? I'm not familiar with your plebian colloquialisms. What do want to offer me ? Your rear end ? Not interested. You're probably lurking in the bushes in Hampstead Heath rights now ! lol.
  17. I reported Monumental Cunt today and the cunt has been banned. Lol.
  18. £10.......I lost at golf to him....
  19. You should concentrate on your own adolescent posting content which is squalid, remiss of sense and hopelessly ambiguous. I think if you drank a litre of Paraquat you would at least feel better...
  20. You may well have met him !
  21. When is the Appleby horse fair ?
  22. Actually I play golf with a surgeon who regularly removes such items from bender's bums......
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