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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. You effectively have a monarchy and a class system wherever you go and under whatever regime. The British system isn't perfect but probably one of the best and if necessary I will fight and die defending it.So would the vast majority of the people of these Isles.Islam in this country is starting to corrupt and dismantle and impose on the British way of life. It either modernises superfast or it should be fucked off along with its followers and Mosques bulldozed.
  2. Is it because you've got AIDS and Herpees ?
  3. Whilst we're at it we could eliminate some of the cunts who have facilitated all this shit.......from the Labour controlled councils in Rotherham and Rochdale.
  4. This is a Christian country and the fast proliferation of these ugly buildings is not a welcome sight on our skyline. Associated with these buildings are often huge traffic problems because of 4 prayer sessions a day .These buildings should be reduced in size and congregations limited.
  5. Bravo !...... (out of likes)
  6. I would write a contract behaviour code for all practicing Moslem or Islamic Cunts in the U.K. to sign and if they breach it...... they should be "returned to sender". As we are now at war we need to set up prisoner of war camps to put these cunts in. They don't belong in prisons corrupting the existing prison population. A war crimes tribunal also needs to be set up in the fashion of the Nuremberg hearings......then hang the cunts at the end.
  7. That's fine until the unfed Moslem cunt driving your bus feints during Ramadan and careers in other road users. If they weren't here or there was no Ramadan..... then this couldn't happen. I suspect we will have riots shortly if the Govt don't come down on the Islamic nutters with a rod of iron.
  8. Cunts like you should be barred from all religious sites or places of worship.
  9. Make sure you scrub your arse with Harpic and Domestos and keep taking the retro-virals...... lol. Fuck off
  10. If a truly incompetent Government had not prevented the 13 horrendous plots Amber Rudd mentioned on Question Time tonight, then our streets would indeed be flowing with blood. Islam doesn't fit in here, nor France, Italy and so on. It causes shit everywhere. You are welcome to take communion in a Catholic Church once you've become a Catholic and understand transubstantiation. You should respect that and not sneer at. You probably don't believe in God anyway.
  11. If you were the only woman left on Earth..........yes.
  12. You're just a drug dealers poodle........ Fuck off.
  13. If I were a poof........ I'd be very worried about the Islamisation of Britain and my inability to fly when pushed of a building for being gay........
  14. And Henry Kissinger and Brezhnev were actually the same person...... Fuck off.
  15. Islam and it's divisive culture no long has a place in the Uk. It must be ejected along with its followers and all the Mosques. It is starting to rip our country apart. It was Enoch Powell’s comments in Birmingham in 1968 that “We must be mad, literally mad” that so polarised the country. He was referring to the immigration from the Indian subcontinent that he foresaw would set about destroying Britain. Powell is labelled by the BBC as a racist. ( They are a supremely spastic set of hand wringing cunts ) In fact he was incredibly bright (double first Cambridge) and based his views on his time in India.He was also the youngest ever Brigadier in the British Army. He was not guessing: he knew. Powell also lived in central Africa for a time and went there as what would now be termed a liberal but realised after six months that he had been fooled by his Cambridge upbringing. He saw that people of different races and cultures do not necessarily come together to live harmoniously and sensibly. Amusingly, these differences were most acutely observed as between Indians and Africans. What happens now in terms of practical action to help preserve our nation ? Brexit is a solid first step in the right direction and cuts the red tape to fight back. I am far from sure about the detail and the timing but Europe is being destroyed by Islam and must retaliate now. Our own fellow countrymen have generally still not woken up to the shocking "elephant in the room". Maybe after few more mass murder bombings they may wake up.
  16. Interesting that large numbers of labour constituencies have a heavy reliance on Islamic voters to hang on to their seats. No wonder so many of their MPs pussy-foot around the issues and fail to condemn the destructiveness of much of Islam.
  17. I hope the horse is ok having had a great big gypsy porker like you on it's back..... lol.
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