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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. It's not really my scene, perhaps you could elaborate......
  2. We haven't met and fortunately we never will. Upward mobility for you would be a sign that life on Earth was drawing to a rapid close.
  3. What is the sexuality of such singing groups ? Are they men or women or perhaps unsure ? Please elaborate.......
  4. Cunts like you have ISIS in your midst and you do nothing about it, just bending over for your Islamist controlled Labour puppets.
  5. I eat mine on the cob...yours is probably frozen or out of tin so God knows how you deal with that..... Oh and fuck off as well.
  6. Stay out of Cheshire Manky and the flies will stay there with you in the city centre. lol.
  7. Is it some sort of mastubatory machine?
  8. This is a classic faux-pas committed by plebs and other ill-educated cunts who will probably vote Labour in the forthcoming general election. Never turn your fork over to eat fresh garden peas. Fresh peas, never frozen, should always be served with food which can help the use of the correctly used fork such as mash or rice. If no knife is required for the dish served then a fork may be turned over. When eating peas with a prostitute always get her to sensually de-pod the peas with you during the meal preparation.
  9. There's always some cunt rolling up with the apocryphal..."I've got cancer of the arse"..... or...."So and so has got cancer of the cunt or tits ". So fucking what. Most cancers can be sorted out these days or at least put into remission for years so stop whining about it. If it's a really nasty galloping cancer then hit the bottle big time,enjoy what little time you have left and phone for a priest to get your "last rites" pronto. Remember committing suicide at dignitas is an immoral option and a mortal sin.
  10. I bet you share a Yurt with Noakes and you will fondle each other all weekend. lol.
  11. Good morning. My golf is as adequate as you are inadequate..... Most of the members of my club have their foibles and eccentricities.....none of which would extend to offering membership to excrement such as yourself.
  12. "You're" not your in this context. You stupid twat.
  13. "Your just as bad". You're a grammatical retard. Do you have Downes Syndrome? Fuck off.
  14. Puppet on a string......lol.
  15. In your case gay dogging with assorted "vegetables". lol. Glad to see you've had to change your disturbing avatar. Lol.
  16. I've been away golfing..... fuck you phallus gobbler.
  17. Who the fuck are you ? I hope you're HIV free and middle class or above...... otherwise fuck off.
  18. You've spelt "Beatles" wrong you thick, dozy cunt.
  19. Another car crash for the dangerous Dianne Abbot our shadow Home Secretary. I think she should be deported. Unbelievable....
  20. If you're so concerned about it..... take one in. ( There may be perks for you )
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