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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. You should have taken some of the fresh steaming horseshit home with you and made some horseshit sandwiches for yourself and your wife.......... lol. Fuck off.
  2. Snatch is a direct descendant of Dr Mengele. lol.
  3. Are you trying to make out that I'm a paedo? Reported.
  4. Ballet for men is just legalised grooming for old queens. Fuck off.
  5. Fuckwit and glee-singing competition contestant....
  6. You probably look like Dianne Abbot as well.... lol.
  7. That's unsurprising as you fit the uneducated and morally bankrupt socio-economic grouping.
  8. I'm needed to point out how wrong it is and to improve people's lives with my elite criticism.
  9. Sounds to me like you may have been complicit in the abortion process yourself......... Seek a priest and ask God for forgiveness.....
  10. Sounds to me like you may have been complicit in the abortion process yourself......... Seek a priest and ask God for forgiveness.....
  11. Dianne Abbot won't push the button either......Especially if she's legs akimbo grinding Corbyn's beard off.........lol.
  12. You're a retarded, fuckwit, village idiot with down's syndrome and tertiary herpees...
  13. More dagerous are the left wing rabble and Islamist cunts that might vote him in.....
  14. We all have lived under various Governments who have presided over the the murder of 10,000,000 unborn children since David Steel's bill came in in 1968........State sponsored murder with the convenient approval of the gormless and immoral masses...... Fuck off.
  15. I'll be voting Conservative..........The golfer's choice.
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