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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. He aspire's to damnation.....sad really.....
  2. You have HIV but you can't deal with it rationally.......
  3. Soon I hope before you're overrun with Muslims........ Get Le Penn in as soon as you can....
  4. You have a venereal disease and you blame the Catholic Church instead of you're own seedy lifestyle.
  5. Any chance of a scrap with the locals at Agincourt or Crecy on the way down ? I'll get my longbow...
  6. I may join you soon...., Calais then south a bit ?
  7. Indeed...... If this was a Catholic country, where everyone went to Church on Sunday, then society it wouldn't be riddled with the corruption of secularism. Anyone who disagrees with this is a poisonous arsehole.
  8. May will be gone in no time. David Davies will be the new Prime Minister. Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbot will rekindle their sexual machinations.......
  9. Torbay is for the lower-middle class and spastics/special needs outings. I wouldn't be seen dead 20 miles from the place. Fuck off.
  10. You are disabled and full of diseases and everyone on here mocks you..... lol.
  11. Get 10,000 Millwall fans to turn up and they'll do the job. They've just had one of their own sliced up at the London Bridge attack. They'll go through the fucking Al Quds march in minutes. lol.
  12. You have few traditional morals and you're a coward, crude and extremely evil and stupid. I have little doubt you would vote for ISIS if you could.
  13. He won't be the only spastic to vote for Corbyn then..........
  14. You should look at your own avatar.........never has there been a more gormless, stupid and cretinous looking animal. A very sound general reflection of yourself no doubt....... lol. Fucking twat.
  15. The problem with legalising Euthanasia or murder is that it would be abused by preying harpie relatives such as yourself,keen to squander someone else's fortune and labour. You're a disgrace as well as pervert. lol.
  16. I bet you meet other planespotter cunts at conventions and you all end up in bed with them ! lolol.
  17. I agree.....it's real trainspotters territory..... lol.
  18. Says the cretin who flys model aircraft...... You cuntwipe.
  19. .....And cunts like cyclists in fucking pelotons.
  20. I see you've changed your disgusting avatar to something more acceptable. in future, when I tell you to do something, do it straight away you shitstain.
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