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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. I bet you're going to Ian Brady's funeral service.....
  2. Olive from "On the buses" lookalike..... lol.
  3. I don't need a translation system as Frech was on the curriculum at my public school. Presumably you did metalwork before leaving to become a rent boy... lol.
  4. Mais biensur. Il y a plusiers des paysan qui habite ice qui son plein de merde, mais ils aiment un bouche de sperme aussi.......par example Noakes et Stubby. Le sperme de chacun.... lol. lol.
  5. It's because you're jealous of my high grade wit and repartee. N'est pas ?
  6. I hope you were at Tommy Robinson's protest against hate today in Picadilly gardens.
  7. Did you take your gerbils in to help them acclimatise?
  8. Peasant. You probably have a tapeworm you disgusting cunt.
  9. So.....a coffee critic who shops at Tesco and flys model aeroplanes......oh dear....
  10. Our electorate cunts are forgetting that Corbyn’s manifesto was and remains based on non-existent money. These are the politics of the madhouse.
  11. It's Fran Cotton's sister.....
  12. She looks like Rosa Klebb...
  13. How would you stop people biting their nails ? Please explain...use diagrams where necessary.....
  14. This is a disgusting habit performed by all sorts of plebs and low lifes.This habit can lead to worms, infections and other hygiene issues. Many people these days seem keen on putting their fingers in orifices that should be off limits.....then fail to wash their hands afterwards........Then bite their nails.... Dirty bastards. People who do this in public should be given a really good slap by health and hygiene Police who would have other responsibilities such as preventing cunts from eating in public.... Fuck off.
  15. Which religion is made up ? Read the gospels instead of listening to some Jihaddi... Cretin.
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