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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. You might be getting dementia you stupid deteriorating fuckwit...... Fuck off.
  2. Ape thinks it is shia luck that I don't misspell everything.....
  3. Go away Sunni and do some research.......
  4. You could say the same of "Mein Kamp" or the fucking "Jungle Book" for that matter.........
  5. I keep getting banned.......comrade Rick and comrade Roops have got it in for me....... lol. So much for freedom of bleach....... lol.
  6. The Quran is basically a violence manual.....
  7. I have had two posts deleted today already so maybe not......
  8. Once again every cunt is keen to praise the emergency services (and Muslims who helped survivors) .....yet loads of cunts were roasted alive having been told to stay in their ghastly flats by the fucking fire brigade........ We get more like Bangladesh every week......
  9. Welcome to 21st century London....get knifed by Islamist radicals known to the authorities and if you survive that.........get roasted alive in your local authority tower block.....
  10. I'll bet the fire was deliberately started by Islamist terrorists.... Allah Fuckoffbah.
  11. Islam must be reformed or it must go along with its followers.....
  12. You're dreams of a nice dogging area for the depraved...
  13. Where and when are these deranged bastard going to strike next ? A School A Church Our off duty service personnel A Synagogue Fortnum and Mason A gay nightclub An ordinary nightclub Aldi We're all sitting ducks. And the fiddler played whilst Rome burned.
  14. Earl of Punkape


    Lol........ another one !
  15. The next terror attack can't be far off now with so many Isamic nutters on the loose and our authorities doing a haphazard job of marshalling the cunts.We're like sitting ducks for the next bomb/knife/automotive attack. Why have none of these deranged flotsam been jettisoned from the country yet ? Fucking twatwipes.
  16. Can you remove your creepy, leering , rogue-scoutmaster avatar you fucking weirdo......
  17. Earl of Punkape


    Who the fuck are you ? i hope you're not a homo with herpees.....
  18. I thought a "stamp" in your parlance would be finishing off some cunt outside your local.....
  19. "Stubbs mate"........... more working class drivel.......
  20. When the Army take over you will be one of the first to be rounded up and sent to Puffin island. lol. Cretin.
  21. Stubby has had innumerable funerals for his "pet" gerbils..... lol.
  22. You're working class and a twat, so you would have voted labour. You are now on my list of "Persona non grata".
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