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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. In hot balmy weather, a gentleman such as myself, often sports a Panama hat. A good Panama is a subtle ruling class code for being "I'm one of you not one of that lot". My hat is from Locks in London, a striking, authentic Panama that has been hand-woven in Ecuador by artisans. The crown is blocked with a signature 'planter crown' and finished with a very smart brown and bronze stripe grosgrain ribbon. The cooling cotton help give the wearer a stamp of authority. Hoi-polloi struggle to deal with anyone in Panama and scuttle off like a pervert caught in the undergrowth. Fuck off.
  2. This latest attackl will hasten the already numerous "in the pipeline" terror attacks ready to be inflicted on the British public. I predict civil war and an easy win for the natural indigenous peoples of these lands. If all Muslims were repatriated now many lives will be saved.
  3. Have you parked your disabled vehicle in the correct bay this morning ?
  4. What are you implying ? I suggest he'll be filling his face with pilfered Ice cream......what are you suggesting you sly cunt ?
  5. This is probably how Stubby makes his living but with other perks......
  6. It now appears that many of the victims of the fire were Muslims... Maybe God's way of evening out the score after the terrorist atrocities...... lol. Fuck off.
  7. You fat perverted sod. Fuck off.
  8. Good morning what a beautiful day. Fuck off you deranged wanker.
  9. Is it your Saddleworth moor re-enactment weekend where you pretend to look for bodies ? lol.
  10. They need a fucking great poof to stand as leader.....Jeremy Thorp had well over 36 seats ...........or was It bottoms ?
  11. He is wrong of course. We should become a proper catholic country again and cede all religious power to the Vatican and Rome.
  12. i bet you wish you were with Ian Brady tonight and with Myra Hindley filming it all for posterity... lol.
  13. Do stop being so lower-middle class. Sorry......a peasant with very modest aspirations..... lol.
  14. If Stubby Pecker had arse cancer and a colostomy...... his civil partner would fuck his colostomy bag for old times sake......... lol.
  15. Lol. Are you still shitting into a bag ? Lol.
  16. It may have been a jihadist with a faulty time-switch......
  17. I can see 20,000 Millwall fans turning up for this......aided and abetted by thousands from West Ham, Arsenal. Orient, Chelsea Crystal Palace, Luton , Spurs , and kicking Moslem and Islamist all over the Capital. If the Mayor of London doesn't cancel the Qud march he crackers Feeling are starting to run very high in London and the north. People have had enough and a movement is growing.
  18. If you get cancer i'll steal your chemotherapy equipment.... lol. wanker.
  19. More in depth knowledge of homo depravity from yourself and because you have AIDS.
  20. How many more of these tower block death traps have been fatally modified by cunt builders under the direction of cunt authorities ?
  21. I have someone who opens the bonnet for me you stupid pleb....
  22. Or for some supper......quran on the cob...... lol.
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